SPIRULINA do you feed it to your chickens?


12 Years
Sep 5, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Recently I bought this little jar food supplement from MorningBirdProducts.com it says the protein is 65-70% fats 6-8% minerals 10-13% fiber 8-10% and so on. The description on the jar:

"Spirulina is edible dried, microscopic freshwater blue-green algea photoplankton that contains 70% protein, 26 times the calcium of milk, and is far more nutritious than any known food. It is rich in phosphorous, niacin, b-12, beta carotene, iron and essential fatty acids. Spirulina has been shown to dramatically increase fertility in birds, simulate breeding, produce brighter plumage, raise resistance to disease, and increase intestinal tract flora, and promote overall good health."

Has anyone had any experiences feeding this to their chickens?
It is pricey. I mixed this with warm water and chick starter and saw the chicks feathering out really fast, also when my hens are in moult it helps them to grow their feathers back quicker. Thank you for the article I printed it out for my reference and found it quite helpful. :)
Yes! I used to work at a rescue ranch that had all manor of animals and we used it often. Anytime an animal was sick or when the chickens were moulting we would mix it in their water. Seems to help a lot.

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