Spitting Up Blood


14 Years
Apr 21, 2010
Hi everyone,

I have been having a heck of a time with my chickens since this summer. I'll try to summarize the events and get to the last point which is the title of the post. If you don't want to read the lengthy details, skip to the last two paragraphs.

During the summer I got a group of chicks from a hatchery that my silkie hen adopted and raised. At around 3-4 weeks old, we had a red mite infestation in our coop. I really struggled to get rid of them with multiple treatments of Elector PSP. I gave up on that product and got Permethrine and it worked in one treatment. I did the recommended 2nd dose anyway. I think the mites have caused some lasting damage to this particular group of chicks. For example, I got two blue silkies in that order and one is normal 19 week old size and the other is still the size of a six week old (same mom hatched eggs and I currently have two six week olds but the older silkie is their size and acts their age). I started with 11 chicks in that group and now have 6 left.

Unrelated probably, I have had multiple hens develop wry neck and ultimately die. I have treated them for worms. I have treated them for coccidiosis. I give them vitamins. I don't know what else to do. One would get sick and die. Then another. Then another. It was one at a time. I currently have a pullet that is acting the same way as the hens did before dying. Not able to move properly. Doing a belly crawl. Puffed up feathers. I have isolated her. Everything I read says coccidiosis though many chicken illnesses seem to have very similar symptoms. She has not developed wry neck yet.

Back to my summer chicks. Fast forward to today. On Oct 20, my golden laced Polish became extremely lethargic. She was on the brink of death. While inside, we discovered she had round worms. I dewormed her immediately. We put a heater on her and shockingly she came out of it. But she did have wry neck. She has been my house chicken ever since - so 5 weeks now. Understandably, we have become extremely attached to her. She's been doing incredibly well with treatment. It's been a slow process and I have been giving her time outside with my younger group of chicks. They have gotten along great. No picking that I could tell.
She was out with them today and since it was dark, I wanted to bring her inside for the night. I was watching her through the window and she looked great. She had a very good appetite. She was always eating. When I opened the coop, she wouldn't come to me so I had to crawl inside and grab her. As I was backing out of the small door, she started to fidget and I noticed her neck twisting (which it hasn't been doing lately). I was surprised and heard gurgling and when I looked at her there was blood coming out of her mouth. I made it inside and she'd spit up what I'd call a long, skinny blood clot. I was like, is this a worm? But I don't think so. It was thick blood. She was still spitting up blood and she died in my arms. This is new and has not happened with any of my other birds.

So my question is, what would cause this? I know she and her hatch mates didn't have a good start and they've all struggled. I feel like we had a lot of things going on this year and I have lost quite a few birds since the summer. I already know I should send in for a necropsy. But I am looking for experienced chicken keepers' opinions. I have posted on FB vet groups numerous times over the course of these illnesses so if you're over there, you may have seen some of this journey as it happened.
I'm sorry for your loss.

Without necropsy it would be hard to know what happened. Consider sending the body for diagnostics so you can find out more.

What vitamin therapy are you giving those with Wry Neck?
What did you deworm with (product, dosing and duration)?
What do you feed, including treats?
A lot of the symptoms you describe could be attributed to Marek's, so getting testing would tell you if that's what's been happening with your chicks.
I'm sorry for your loss.

Without necropsy it would be hard to know what happened. Consider sending the body for diagnostics so you can find out more.

What vitamin therapy are you giving those with Wry Neck?
What did you deworm with (product, dosing and duration)?
What do you feed, including treats?
A lot of the symptoms you describe could be attributed to Marek's, so getting testing would tell you if that's what's been happening with your chicks.
I was giving Poultry Cell and selenium and vitamin E paste. I used pyrantel to deworm just like I’d do a dog. One and then in two weeks.
They have been on a variety of feed but the pullet in question was always on DuMor 20% chick starter/grower. I’ve never had an issue with this feed and I have raised a lot of chicks on it.
thank you for the info. I would have used safeguard but Google said not to use it on chicks or during molting/feather growth. If my little d’Uccle pullet doesn’t get better, I think I’ll send her off for a necropsy. At least I’ll know for sure then.
I was giving Poultry Cell and selenium and vitamin E paste.
If you have anymore problems with wry neck symptoms.

Pyrantel Pomoate will treat roundworms in poultry, so if there's other worms you are trying to treat, consider using Fenbendazole (Safeguard) or Albendazole (Valbazen). Tapeworms can be treated with Praziquantel.

Try giving 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily along with a little egg for the uptake of E. Do this daily for a few weeks. You can find these at Walmart, CVS, etc.
Vitamin B-Complex has B1 Thiamine which is often used to support E and also B2 Riboflavin which offers leg support, the other B Vitamins are also essential.

Poultry Cell is a wonderful multivitamin for a quick pick me up. Vitamin E and Selenium Paste is convenient.
Per Ounce, Poultry Cell only contains 50 IU Vitamin E.

For the Paste, dose of 2ml only contains 200 IU Vitamin E but it has 23.2mcg of Selenium.
SO...to get to 400IU Vitamin E you'd have to give 4ml paste daily but that puts you at double the Selenium as well - Selenium in high doses can be toxic to chickens. Daily allowance is approx. 25mcg.



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