splash EE (?)


8 Years
Oct 7, 2014
I am currently in the middle of a hatch of nine eggs, six are already out, this is my EE / Dominique mix.



Do you think he/she will be splash?

If anyone has a splash EE can I see some pictures. :bow
As I said she, I'm going to call her a she for my own sanity, is a EE / Dominique mix. Here's a picture of them



These where from a few months ago. The rooster is just a bit bigger now.
It isn't possible to get a splash anything from those parents. It's likely a wheaten based chick final color TBD though I would guess barred.
Agree it can't be splash with those parents, but I'm wondering if another rooster is possible. That extended black Dom should throw black barred babies, if he's pure bred.
I just remembered this.a awhile ago my pen door came open but my frizzle rooster was still in the I just remembered this.a awhile ago my pen door came open but my frizzle rooster was still in the pen when I got out there. I Guess it is a possibility that he is the father. Then a few days later the door came open again. He was out this time, but all of my hens that was partnered with my other rooster where running away from him. It is still a possibility. I don't really know when all this happened. Here is the other rooster.pen when I got out there. I Guess it is a possibility that he is the father. Then a few days later the door came open again. He was out this time, but all of my hens that was partnered with my other rooster where running away from him. It is still a possibility. I don't really know when all this happened. Here is the other rooster. My Dom came from a hatchery so he should be pure breed. Not perfect but he was fun to raise.


this is my white EE hen(Splash)
from what I have read, they are a very unstable breed.
So lets say you take my spash and breed it with another EE rooster. you will end up with babies that are not EEs. you will end up with birds that are the dominant breed of the parents.
so if the moms was achieved by a true ameraucana dad and a barred rock
and the dad was achieved by breeding a ameraucana and a rohde island red. you will end up with BR and RR babies. not EE birds.
this is my understanding.

anyone is welcome to correct me on this. and I'm sure the experts will
this is my white EE hen(Splash)
from what I have read, they are a very unstable breed.
So lets say you take my spash and breed it with another EE rooster. you will end up with babies that are not EEs. you will end up with birds that are the dominant breed of the parents.
so if the moms was achieved by a true ameraucana dad and a barred rock
and the dad was achieved by breeding a ameraucana and a rohde island red. you will end up with BR and RR babies. not EE birds.
this is my understanding.

anyone is welcome to correct me on this. and I'm sure the experts will
I am confused - is your hen named Splash or do you think she is splash? The color splash is produced when a bird has 2 copies of the blue gene. The only way to get a splash is to breed splash x splash, splash x blue or blue x blue.

splash x splash = 100% splash
splash x blue = 50% splash, 50% blue
blue x blue = 25% black, 50% blue, 25% splash

Splash looks like this


Breeding 2 EEs can result in all sorts of outcomes since they are essentially mixed breeds.
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That is a great question and I'm sorry for not clarifying it earlier.

This hen's name is Splash. It is a kind of a funny story.
when she was about 10 weeks, I was filling the 5 gallon bucket of water for them and before it fully filled this dumb bird tried to jump on the rim of the bucket and SPLASH, she landed in the water.
Now when I fill the bucket she waits clear on the other side of the run and waits till the lid is on before she comes near the bucket.

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