Spring 2017 first timers post!

22 days until my chicks arrive

Looks like you were the 1000th post!
since you cannot make up your mind just double your order and get some of each. I strongly recommend you get Probiotic and electrolyte supplements for their water. They are cheap and sold in foil envelopes at the farm supply store. Use medicated chick crumbles, they do not really have medicine in them just probiotics. I keep my baby chicks in the house in a child's plastic wading pool with puppy pads or newspapers or pine shavings in the bottom under a warming light. I wash their container out daily with chlorox. I have never lost a chick. Your family will love this. They like music also.
Hey folks! Newby here! I just bought an 8 week old trio of Lace English Orpingtons. Silver pair and blue pullet. This is my first chicken experience so I will be trolling you all. Right now we have a small pet type coop but are keeping them in side in a dog crate most if the time. We are planning to build a coop and run hopefully starting it next weekend. I want to post pics but not sure how.
We are so sad tonight
Our listless BO died tonight.. when I checked on everyone tonight after dinner tonight she was sprawled out on the floor. So sad! I had posted the days events on another string in Raising Baby Chicks, to see if there was anything else I could do. The saddest thing will be in the morning to let our daughter know that her chick "cookie" didn't make it. Sorry for the down news
My son decided to do the 4-H chick Chain this year. That is a program in 4-h, that students buy 15 baby chicks and agree to care for them, and exhibit the best 3 chickens at the County Chick Chain Show and auction them afterwards. They get to keep the money from the sale and any ribbons and prizes. He got 8 Rhode Island Reds, 7 Barred Rocks and they added 2 unknown exotic chicks. We got the chicks last Thursday and we lost both the exotics by Friday afternoon. Since then we lost 1 of each of the other breeds. The Barred Rock seemed to have hurt her leg and couldn't stand up well. We came to BYC for ideas, gave them sugar water and eggs, but they didn't survive. The rest of them seem to be doing well. My son is holding them one at a time and carrying in a bandanna for a few hours a day to hopefully make them friendly. We will be checking back for more tips.
We are so sad tonight
Our listless BO died tonight.. when I checked on everyone tonight after dinner tonight she was sprawled out on the floor. So sad! I had posted the days events on another string in Raising Baby Chicks, to see if there was anything else I could do. The saddest thing will be in the morning to let our daughter know that her chick "cookie" didn't make it. Sorry for the down news

Sorry for your loss; it is always sad to lose a chick.
My son decided to do the 4-H chick Chain this year. That is a program in 4-h, that students buy 15 baby chicks and agree to care for them, and exhibit the best 3 chickens at the County Chick Chain Show and auction them afterwards. They get to keep the money from the sale and any ribbons and prizes. He got 8 Rhode Island Reds, 7 Barred Rocks and they added 2 unknown exotic chicks. We got the chicks last Thursday and we lost both the exotics by Friday afternoon. Since then we lost 1 of each of the other breeds. The Barred Rock seemed to have hurt her leg and couldn't stand up well. We came to BYC for ideas, gave them sugar water and eggs, but they didn't survive. The rest of them seem to be doing well. My son is holding them one at a time and carrying in a bandanna for a few hours a day to hopefully make them friendly. We will be checking back for more tips.

Sorry for your losses. Glad to hear the others are doing well!

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