Spring 2017 first timers post!

Sadly I just went out and found one of the meaties passed away. It was all quite sudden. And the Salmon Faverolle seems to go from her bum being targeted by one or two, to bring snuggled on and warmed up lovingly by a few meaties.

I am wondering if I should separate her with a hardware cloth "wall" until she strengthens up and stops having as many bum issues. Any advice? She doesn't run away when they pick on her, so that concerns me. We have to leave to an appointment but afterwards I will give her a drop of nutri drench and possibly separate her and give her the MHP to herself for a few days?? I can trim the hardware cloth to have a passthrough so that a corner of the feeder and waterer are accessible by her.
Or I could keep her alone under the heat lamp with a stuffed animal to make it easier to check on her even during the night??

I received a mixed flock containing 5 Old English game birds. They were very tiny and I lost three of them before separating out all bantams under a heat lamp. I was using a hot pad "broody" warmer, I think it just wasn't warm enough and there was too much stress for them to thrive. I didn't lose any once I had them separated.I have them in a separate box with it's own light.
Umm... I'm new too. Right now I have 6 orpington babies I got from tractor supply and 7 in a mini incubator that are supposed to hatch starting tomorrow. I've kept chickens before but these are my first babies. I'm nervous about those in the incubator! Hope I've done things right and they hatch out ok.
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I'm sure I'll be reading around this site for info, but I'm not sure exactly what to do when my new babies hatch. Someone told me they need to stay in the incubator for 24 hours after hatching? I have my 6 chicks already set up, can I add new babies in with them after they hatch?
Hello you all.
What's happening? I started reading the posts and then you guys stopped a couple days later.
Idyll, how's that brick, chick house coming along?
Import, did you get all of yer babies yet?
Wildfire, did yer hubby get that coop built for you?

Y'all need to get back on here and update us

I have 16 babies, 4 each of California Whites, Columbia Rocks, Corny-ish Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds.
Building the coop out of reclaim pallets, and I'm on an acre in the Northern Michigan woods
Hello you all.
What's happening? I started reading the posts and then you guys stopped a couple days later.
Idyll, how's that brick, chick house coming along?
Import, did you get all of yer babies yet?
Wildfire, did yer hubby get that coop built for you?

Y'all need to get back on here and update us

I have 16 babies, 4 each of California Whites, Columbia Rocks, Corny-ish Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds.
Building the coop out of reclaim pallets, and I'm on an acre in the Northern Michigan woods

I think you may be missing a few pages, this post will be #986!

All my babies arrived but sadly we have lost one meat bird and this morning we lost the Salmon Faverolle that was doing poorly. :(
We have 9 meaties left, and 8 layers left.

Sounds like you have several lovely chicks and I can't wait to see the coop! Welcome!
Ugggghhhh I hate this blasted weather... between the cold and the random snow Keith and I haven't gotten anything done on the coop yet and I'm getting worried. :(

My coop building has been at a standstill this week as well, such cold weather and it'll hang around for another week ... and just be even colder at night than it has been in a long time!
My coop building has been at a standstill this week as well, such cold weather and it'll hang around for another week ... and just be even colder at night than it has been in a long time!
Ugh, it's times like these that I'm happy and not at the same time that I'm pagan. Happy that yes I can actually have a conversation with one of my deities about this wacky weather. But at the same time not so happy because they might not listen. (Yes it's gotten so bad that I'm going to have a talk with someone upstairs). I just know that I need to get this blasted coop built and quick. I'll be so happy when it warms up
I'm sure I'll be reading around this site for info, but I'm not sure exactly what to do when my new babies hatch. Someone told me they need to stay in the incubator for 24 hours after hatching? I have my 6 chicks already set up, can I add new babies in with them after they hatch?

You can take them out of the incubator as soon as they are dry and walking around. If there are any eggs that are pipping, though, you want to try and avoid opening the incubator because it lowers the humidity and can cause problems for the chicks that are still hatching. You can do it if you want, but try to add a small wet sponge or something when you open the bator, and try to just open it a little bit when you are taking the chick out, and get it shut again quickly. The chicks can stay in the incubator for 24 hours though, no problem.

You should check out the Incubating and Hatching board for more info; there are lots of experts on there.

As far as mixing the chicks of two different ages, it should be ok as long as the older chicks are not too much bigger than the new ones. How old are the chicks you already have and when are the new ones hatching?
You can take them out of the incubator as soon as they are dry and walking around. If there are any eggs that are pipping, though, you want to try and avoid opening the incubator because it lowers the humidity and can cause problems for the chicks that are still hatching. You can do it if you want, but try to add a small wet sponge or something when you open the bator, and try to just open it a little bit when you are taking the chick out, and get it shut again quickly. The chicks can stay in the incubator for 24 hours though, no problem. 

You should check out the Incubating and Hatching board for more info; there are lots of experts on there. 

As far as mixing the chicks of two different ages, it should be ok as long as the older chicks are not too much bigger than the new ones. How old are the chicks you already have and when are the new ones hatching?

I got the first chicks at tractor supply on Thursday. I'm not sure of their age. The ones in the incubator are on day 21. I just got my first pip!

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