Spring 2017 first timers post!

Hey there! I'm another newbie. We are moving to a hobby farm in a week or so, and I'm so excited! So far I have 8 black Australorps, 4 French Black copper Marans, 4 Ameracaunas, and two goofy little Polish chicks. Waiting to find a couple of nice silkies for pets.
Hey!! Me too! We're making a new coop to move to our new house. We also have a new white chicken that we got with 17 isa browns and 2 heritage americuana... We think. I will post pictures of the white on and the (hopefully) americuanas later tonight. Please tell me what breed they are!
Well, our "babies" are doing well and officially at the 4 week "teenager" mark!

Nights and inclement weather is spent in the big box garage brooder.

Daytime is fun time out in the playpen!

The coop is slowly coming along...


(Yes, I realize I did the silplate incorrectly but I'm not changing it...It's a chicken coop, not a house!

And oops....I have 2 Olive eggers, 1 Cream Legbar, and 1 Meal Maker arriving this week from Meyer!!
We lost two layers since arrival but my husband sweetly indulged my replacing them....With 4! Haha!
Well, our "babies" are doing well and officially at the 4 week "teenager" mark!

Nights and inclement weather is spent in the big box garage brooder.

Daytime is fun time out in the playpen!

The coop is slowly coming along...

(Yes, I realize I did the silplate incorrectly but I'm not changing it...It's a chicken coop, not a house!

And oops....I have 2 Olive eggers, 1 Cream Legbar, and 1 Meal Maker arriving this week from Meyer!!
We lost two layers since arrival but my husband sweetly indulged my replacing them....With 4! Haha!

It took me way too many hours BEFORE I accepted my construction failings and said, "it is only a chicken coop"! That helped the mental health and moved things along a bit faster. Our coop is FINISHED! Put pine shavings in today and are contemplating if we should block off some of the floor space or not as we are getting close to putting the kids in the coop. Ours is 6 x 10 for 9 chicks.
Yes ours 'partied' a lot on and off. It's like a baby or puppy. Up one minute full of energy and crash sleep, then twenty minutes later back at it! It's cute to watch. After a week or two they got better and started to sleep more at night, then they suddenly started to sleep all night even with the heat lamp on. Now they no longer need the heat lamp and it seems they've got a full day/night schedule, which I'm soooooo glad about as they are still in my common room near living room and bedroom. Can't wait until we can move them outside soon, another week or two at most hopefully.
Today the girls got paroled for a short time, got to test out their new run a bit. Less than a week in jail(MHP brooder) but they seemed pretty happy to be on real grass! BB kept an eye on them and no problems occurred. Our mini lap Lab had one quick move when a chick ran into her, surprised us as she has had plenty of time around full size hens. We are just a day or so away from having the run completed, putting the roof covering on today and tomorrow. Still have a little fence wire to put up and that is IT! Will be nice to get back to a normal schedule and not have this project hanging over our heads, whew!

It took me way too many hours BEFORE I accepted my construction failings and said, "it is only a chicken coop"!  That helped the mental health and moved things along a bit faster.  Our coop is FINISHED!  Put pine shavings in today and are contemplating if we should block off some of the floor space or not as we are getting close to putting the kids in the coop.  Ours is 6 x 10 for 9 chicks.
We had the same thing happen to us to. It's hard not to get carried away. We even got picky over the paint color. All for a coop. I am glad it's solid and warm and safe but sometimes i look at it and think 'wow, a tiny house'
Well, our "babies" are doing well and officially at the 4 week "teenager" mark!

Nights and inclement weather is spent in the big box garage brooder.

Daytime is fun time out in the playpen!

The coop is slowly coming along...


(Yes, I realize I did the silplate incorrectly but I'm not changing it...It's a chicken coop, not a house!

And oops....I have 2 Olive eggers, 1 Cream Legbar, and 1 Meal Maker arriving this week from Meyer!!
We lost two layers since arrival but my husband sweetly indulged my replacing them....With 4! Haha!
Isn't it lovely when husbands are supportive of our adventures? Nice looking set up! We are waiting to remodel an area of our barn. Or maybe a few areas. It's a big barn! I'm thinking about keeping my heritage chickens pure, so I might just keep them in separate coops. I'm wary of free ranging - we have a lot of predators around.

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