Spring 2017 first timers post!

These are 5 weeks - I call them the hoopleheads. Pretty sure there's only one pullet in the bunch
not really sure what to do with all those little roos. They are a rowdy bunch for real. They so want to go back outside!

That's a lot of boys!
I was going to wait until we got moved to get some chicks but then came across a great deal and decided that they are small enough in the brooder that a few weeks early wouldn't hurt! I'm new to the thread and new to chickens, these are my first (if you don't count a crazy roo and hen someone gave us when we were kids that were useless and we knew nothing so they were gone in a week to someone's dog or coyote). We move to our homestead at the end of April with 8 acres that is ours surrounded by approx 160 acres that is all family land that we have the run of when we want in NW Oklahoma, land of cattle and wheat. I've always been a city girl but spent summers there growing up. When my youngest son passed away last year I was lost and trying to figure out what to do with my life with my older boys all flying the coop and not having him to care for anymore (short version: he was 11 and had a progressive neuromuscular disease as well as autism so I was his caregiver 24/7 for about 6 years). When the possibility came up of starting a small homestead/farm, I knew it was the right time for me. I work from home so location is not an issue for us. 

So, on to the chicks! I've done tons of research and wanted a good egg/meat bird. No interest really in showing. But I wanted a colorful egg basket and good dual purpose birds. I decided that I wanted to try my hand with Marans first with a few blue/green egg layers. Made a great connection with a local guy who is hatching a lot of birds right now and needed to make some room for his next hatch. I got 6 Blue Copper, 4 Black Copper and 4 Buff Black Tailed Marans. I have a meetup planned for later this week to get 4-6 Saphire (Super Blue Egg Layer) chicks to go with them. Right now they are in a 2x4x2 galvanized water trough brooder. I plan on taking some chick pics later today :) 

We will probably go ahead and get started building the coop in the next few weeks if we get the packing, etc fairly completed while we wait for our manufactured home to be delivered and completed. I have lots of ideas for the coop and have some great materials to reuse up there including lots of pallets and scrap wood. My dad and I both work for a transportation company and he got some pallet racking (like this http://www.globalindustrial.com/p/storage/pallet-rack/global/global-tear-drop-pallet-rack-starter-96x48x96-2?infoParam.campaignId=T9F&gclid=Cj0KEQjwzpfHBRC1iIaL78Ol-eIBEiQAdZPVKudC0POOaWaywOOptuwGRCSzBlzxkw2Wmwjd2sbrWH4aAkq28P8HAQ) a few years ago that I will be using for the frame of the coop. They are 8x4x8 and extremely sturdy metal. I plan on putting three together to make a coop that will be 8x12. I'm hoping that will be big enough for 18-20 birds! I'm still trying to decide on how big to make the run, but eventually they will get to free range during the day as well. I'm also trying to decide if I am going to keep the colors separate, or just the breeds or just have one big, happy, mixed flock. I'm curious what the eggs would look like with a Marans/Saphire cross, maybe a really dark Olive Egger? Hmmm... We'll see! 

I also will be working on developing the Nigora goat breed (Nigerian Dwarf/Angora) for dual purpose milk/fiber goats. I have two F1 Nigora doelings and two Nigerian Dwarf bucklings on deposit that will be ready to come home a few weeks after we move so will be building out shelters and pens for them as well. It's going to be a super busy month or so getting all this set up! But I'm so excited and ready to start on this new adventure.

Oh yeah, we have some guineas on order too for pest control lol. And will be getting rabbits later in the year to raise for meat. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it already LOL I love this site and welcome any feedback or advice! Nice to meet you all!
Wow! We are moving to 8 acres in a week or so and I've been building up a flock as well. I thought I was getting in over my head, but you've jumped in with both feet as well! We are starting with 8 Australorps, 4 French black copper Marans, 4 Ameracaunas, 2 Polish ( because they are so goofy looking!) and we are picking up 4 Silkies on Saturday. We have a huge barn to play in, so building a coop isn't needed. We've just got to build a run! We both also work full time. I'm a nurse. These chickens will be my hobby for stress relief. I hope you can find some quiet time to grieve your dear little boy in all your busy animal raising, and enjoy your new adventure! Sending you love and light from Canada.
Love the before and after pictures!  They sure start to looking scruffy instead of fluffy in the 'teenage' phase, don't they? 

Yes! And they're very good at trying to fly out of their cage. Teenagers is exactly how they behave themselves too! But they're my babies. ♡♡
So I lost one of my Buff Black Tail Marans chicks this morning. They all seemed fine when I checked them first thing but a few hours later he was not moving much. Discovered he had pasty butt pretty bad. Got him cleaned off but he just never did recover and died about an hour later. I check them once a day for pasty butt, but should I be checking more often? :(
Hi! Newbie joining the thread! Just picked up 5 chicks this morning. We were going to wait since we just sold our house and will be moving to our ranch, but decided to go ahead and jump in :)
We let our 4 year old pick which ones we brought home. Got a rhode island red, buff orpington, brown leghorn and two black giants :->

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