Spring 2017 first timers post!

It's hard to believe my girls are already a month old today! This is one of my buckeye gals, Saturn, the day after I got her and today.


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New to backyard chickens! I got my day-old babies in late April. The girls are all growing well and they're 7 weeks old and LOVING being out in the yard!
When are chicks considered "pullets?" ...and "hens?"
I would love to see some examples of small coops that have had upgrades, i.e. a larger run with a roof! Need ideas! Thanks!!
We are new this spring. Our barred rock girls are 11 weeks old now, we also have 3 four week old silkies, 2 Ameraucana's and 2 Icelandics...each 2 weeks old. So far everyone is doing well. The big girls free range all day, and the others are in their own areas of the coop. So far we are pretty sure one silkie is a cockerel.....won't know about the other two for a long time. I have suspicions that one Ameraucana is also a cockerel.....bigger comb than the other, but who knows. We shall see. You never know with straight run!
My babies will be 8 weeks Wed and they have gotten so big I love letting them out and watch them fight over the bugs but Hermes doesn't let the girls get any worms when I feed them he is in your face snatching them from your hand before you finish getting it out and he is a bit of a mama's boy
Here's a few pics

In order Hermes, Snow White, Aphrodite, Tiny and then almsot everyone at the water bottles 20170618_112839.jpg 20170618_111953.jpg 20170618_111948.jpg 20170618_111706.jpg 20170618_111922.jpg
Wow its been 11 weeks and my chickens are like, well chickens:) Making bawking noises not peeps, and BIG! I need to get on my nest boxes soon before we know it they will be paying some rent. No regrets at all, other than overspending on everything but thats not the chickens fault. So grateful for this community I feel like I had a firm grasp on what to expect and that seems to be holding true. :hugs

Gary: Good to see you again and glad that your flock is happy and healthy. Want to thank you for starting this thread as we have really enjoyed it. Our girls just turned 12 weeks old and can't believe how much fun we are having with them. Bought a kiddie swimming pool for the dust bath as they have outgrown the dust bath they have been using. BB
Our chicks are 10 weeks old and just like Gary said are no longer making chick noises. They now sound like chickens! We've had a heat wave here this week, 106-110 this last week. Up from 75 the previous week. Luckily, the chickens having been handling it as well as can be expected. Their run is shaded all day, I've been giving the mash, electrolytes with ice cubes, and hosing down their run multiple times a day. The last two days (the hottest) they have elected to sleep in their run rather than the coop (I've been leaving the coop door open this week). It's supposed to cool down starting this weekend, so keeping our fingers crossed.

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