"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

@Chaos18 out of 10 for sure viable eggs (this was my first time incubating-I am not in the group's league quite yet!), 7 hatched. Four are doing fabulously, into the brooder and eating and drinking. Two are weak and one keeps falling over, not sure it will make it. One died-it pipped and started to zip bit then seemed to get stuck. All around it the other ones were hatching fine, so I don't suspect a humidity issue. I did leave it alone for 12+ hours but ended up assisting. He died sometime during the night. Not sure if I killed him but I am pretty sure he would have died in the shell if I hadn't helped.

We still have 6 eggs in the bator that I was never sure were viable-dark brown eggs and since it was my first time with everything, not sure I really could see what I thought I should see. I am leaving them in for 2 more days but having no pipping at all.

For a first attempt, I am quite pleased. Learned a lot and know some things to do differently next time, and that's always a good thing.
My,very first Silkie egg was fertile

Congrats! How exciting!!!!! I LOVE my silkies!

Good Morning!!!!

We have 29 eggs growing in the incubator. Due Friday night the 22nd! Black Jersey Giants, Polish, Ameraunas and Cochin. It's our first incubator hatch!
Welcome, and have a ball!!!! I would love to have your incubator! you have all my favorites!!!!
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@sally. Yep. You nailed it. Going to the learning farm. With 5 year olds!!!! Help.

Good news is when they talk about chickens my son will be able to answer easy. Crazy chicken woman= crazy chicken kids

Thanks for the duck info. I pray these hatch well. My friend wants done hatched and ran out of room in her incubators... Yes she has several going right now.
The learning farm sounds fun!

@Sally Sunshine
Ohh! Ok cool. Good deal. Next time I will try to get you some pics for your site. I did take a video of my first chick hatching. Since it was my first ever hatch : )
Oh sweet mother of pearl; Freudian slip much? I said "...next time..." Someone pray for me...
Yes, you said next time, you are committed now!

Here is a pic of three of the lavender Orpington chicks.
Awwww Cute!

My Fibro hen sitting on her eggs that are due to hatch by the end of next week. She is a feisty girl. I managed to get one egg out from under her and candled it. The air cell is pretty big. Might be hatching before i think they will. I've lost track of time with working now.. lol.

This is my Svart Hona hen and one of my Black Breasted Red Phoenix Roosters that are in the same pen as my broody Fibro hen.

Nice serious broody.

Quote: I agree, very pretty ducks.

Ok.... I kinda need your guys help. I candled all eggs again and all look normal except for one of my EE's. It's darker and its veins has spread out much more than all the other eggs, but... I kind of think I saw two embryos!
I saw two black dots on seperate sides that were both swimming, I don't know it could be my imagination, but it looked like their could be twins. I candeled all eggs before they went into incubator and none of them had double yolks, so what I'm thinking is it has two fertilization spots??? I have heard of this before but isn't that really rare? Has anyone ever dealt with this situation before? Any advice/help?
If it is two, one yolk wouldn't provide enough nutrition, the egg wouldn't have enough room for them both too grow. Since you're not certain, I would leave it in, and keep an eye on it.

All of those eggs that I am doing for the friend are in lock down. Orpington's. And a couple of Barnie's..and a couple of Biefelder's..spelling? Any way, Blues..and Jubilee's, and red cc's. Still not quite sure what the cc is for..cuckoo? Red cuckoo's are pretty. One of those already has an internal pip..I hear chirping in there.
Good luck!

I am SO excited about the brahma eggs!!

I hope they hatch.... Brahmas are right up with polish and LO and CCL on my want list.


Soo the little egg that got stuck zipping I decided to pull the top, it was near the edge so barely had to open the bator, then I waited a little while I could tell it was breathing but could only see its back. So after probably 30 min I decided to help further and started peeling the shell very quickly but very gently

Once out seemed sooo happy, put back in the bator to 'stretch-out' will remove in the am, does have a HUGE vaulted skull -Silkies I think this is why it got stuck

Did I do the right thing? I'm so nervous about the other eggs now! The bator wasn't open for more than 5 seconds each time (2x) think it's ok???
Yes, you did the right thing. A zip should not take more than 90 minutes.

Well its almost hatch day for my first Sapphires, plus some CL/EE, due April 18th! Also I coincided it with my hatchery order of Whiting True Blues, due to ship the week of April 18th so they can grow up together:)
Good luck!
JOIN US !!!!



"Share a Laugh"
Random Posting Contest Thread

"Springing in the Chicks"

Hosted by Mike & Sally



6 Copper Marans Hatching Eggs -

Donated by @Laurel Meadows


Corn Salt and Pepper Shakers -

Donated by @Cynthia12


Donated by @canadachickens

Donated by @Chaos18

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Pier 1 Chicken Apron -

Donated by @campingshaws


“Everything Spoon”

donated by @flocktastic


"The Lost (and Found) Recipes of Great-Grandma Henson."

E-book donated by @Penny Hen


$10. Cold Stone Creamery Gift Card!

Donated by,



We have 29 eggs growing in the incubator. Due Friday night the 22nd! Black Jersey Giants, Polish, Ameraunas and Cochin. It's our first incubator hatch!
WELCOME!!!! good luck!!!!

@Chaos18 out of 10 for sure viable eggs (this was my first time incubating-I am not in the group's league quite yet!), 7 hatched. Four are doing fabulously, into the brooder and eating and drinking. Two are weak and one keeps falling over, not sure it will make it. One died-it pipped and started to zip bit then seemed to get stuck. All around it the other ones were hatching fine, so I don't suspect a humidity issue. I did leave it alone for 12+ hours but ended up assisting. He died sometime during the night. Not sure if I killed him but I am pretty sure he would have died in the shell if I hadn't helped.

We still have 6 eggs in the bator that I was never sure were viable-dark brown eggs and since it was my first time with everything, not sure I really could see what I thought I should see. I am leaving them in for 2 more days but having no pipping at all.

For a first attempt, I am quite pleased. Learned a lot and know some things to do differently next time, and that's always a good thing.
Homemade Electrolyte Recipe for weak/ill chicks post #3876
WHEN to start feeding CHICK after HATCH! post #4657
Chick Pro and Pre Biotic vit cheap! I swear by them! 1st & 2 wks then ACV see post #1409
Chick and Chicken Vitamins HAVE SOME ON HAND post #61039

Good Morning Mike

“Share Helpful Backyard Poultry TIPS”

A Random Posting Contest Thread!

"Springing in the Chicks"
Hosted by Mike & Sally



Shelving DIY Brooders by, cmom


by BantyChooks

Current Prize List

Some More Hatching Eggs Have Been Added as A Prize!


5 White Crested Sapphires, 3 Crested Cream Legbar, 4 OE (Olive Eggers)

and 3 Crested Barred Rocks

donated by @Sally Sunshine



6 silkie hatching eggs - donated by @Razadia


GFM - @lindalouly


Here are a few of the initial upgrades you’ll get as a Gold Feather Member:
1. Double PM storage space
2. 10 Times more image storage space on BYC’s servers
3. A new title: Golden Feather Member
4. or The ability to choose your own custom title
5. Your username highlighted on the BYC Forum index and within forum threads.
6. First peek at new features and specials before we roll them out to the rest of the members.
7. Access to a private forum to discuss new features and specials.
For a list of all the upgrades, please visit the Membership Benefits Page

2 computer fans, 1 Digital STC -1000 Temperature Controller thermostat with Sensor - donated by @Chaos18

$10. Cold Stone Creamery Gift Card!

Donated by,


24" handmade Rustic Wooden Rooster - Donated and Made by @Sally Sunshine

BYC Promo Pack

donated by @DwayneNLiz
You're welcome. It sounds like your school week ended wonderfully!
Hello! I am hatching cream Legbars and Birchen Marans, and Birchen x Cuckoo Marans. I got this fancy new phone, and I've been offline for so long... Not like I ever did anything before but lurk and peruse. Still! I am ready to participate! To be honest, I would look up things on this site years before I even made an account, and even after making the account I didn't say much. Always too busy! Plus I had another baby... I have 3 young kids and a husband makes 4... But I love my birds. I have a small flock of 40, 25 Cream Legbars, a mix of the 1st and 2nd import groups I believe, from Ewecrazy farms, but shipped from Texas several years ago. I have 11 Marans, 3 are English type Cuckoo, 6 are beautiful French Birchen, and 2 are solid black from crossing the Birchen and Cuckoo. I got my Birchen from Rodney Reeves, and their color is soooo beautiful. The rest of my birds are wonderful randomness, adding color and variety. And turkeys! My newest hatch should start pipping any time now... Have rolling hatches for this and next weekend in my ancient 1266 sportsman! And an early 1502 model as the hatcher, since my great uncle put an acrylic door on it. Whoo hoo! Yay!
Dancing around!!!
Welcome, I'm glad you decide to participate here! Sounds like you have busy life, with a wonderful family, and a nice flock.
Quote: Thanks. She was sure special, and we all miss her. She passed away last fall. I have two favorite pictures of her with the chickens:

Waiting for me to finish up chores in the run. See all the chicks behind her around the waterer? Never bothered them.

Look! Black and white bookends!

And one with our Kendra.

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