"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Sorry I didn't post this list night. But last night I set my eggs. 22 in total. 8 Black and Blue Coppet Marans, 2 Olive Egger, 6 barnyard mixes, and 6 Blue Partridge Brahma eggs. I'm also going to put 4 Ohiki eggs in the Bator in 3 days so that they all hatch on the same day.


Thanks I thought so too but it turns out the breeder's flock has infectious Coryza, the NN Polish didn't make it and I had to cull my small flock of 9. She still breeds them but no way am I ever stepping foot there again.
That's no good! Hopefully you are starting over? Did she not know before you got it?

The main flock, last pics of our chickens:)
they look hungry lol
So when i set my eggs i set them Sat 3/26 late evening/night
So they should be 'due' tonight -monday should be start of day 23
when should i candle to see who needs help/dead/whatever
If I end up keeping a few of these bantam cochins, and a few of these silkies that I hatch, I will have broody after broody.  May have to let a couple have some babies for the summer.  Haven't had a mama and babies for a while.  Would be fun to see again.  :)
 I do have a white silkie cockeral out there with a black smooth SG.  Just waiting for both of them ..the pullet should be laying any min..and he's already starting to act like he wants to .. ahem..attack her.  :D  

Here's a few I had a couple years ago. Unfortunately predators got some and my neighbor took the rest.


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