"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Final count 3 sapphires, 6 lavender Orpington and 1 sally project.

Picture overload... my serama babies.

Cute, how little are they?

Result of hatch #1 complete on 4/15/16

:eek:ve;y setup. Congratulations on your hah!

Hello! Well let's see in my beautiful Sally coolerbater, I have geese and ducks. And in another i have chickens. I also have a broody chicken sitting on duck eggs (and some chicken eggs her lazy Mazie friends squirrelled under her). April 22 is my 40th birthday so i getting myself some jubilee Orpington eggs (yay) if it works out
Good luck with your hates and getting the jubilee Orpington eggs for your birthday!

Well finally caught up. Been so busy building a new paddock for the goats. Had to drive 50 tpost by hand and put up 500 feet of fencing by myself. Been giving all the coops a spring cleaning as well. Incubating eggs raising chicks taking care of the new ducks. Hands full to say the least. But woke up this mourning to 11 babies in the bator. And a bunch more pips. Will get up pics soon. Good to here from everyone again!!!
Wow, you have been busy. Congratulations on your hatch!

My,very first Silkie egg was fertile
Awesome Chicken Hawk!


We started our first batch of eggs ever in a Hovabator 1588. We purchased Swedish Isbar eggs from a lady who sells them on eBay. I ordered 18 and she sent 23. One had a detached air cell.
We started the eggs on April 12th after letting them sit for 3 days. We just found out last night that our egg turner isn't working. My DH was able to fix it today, thankfully but we are a bit worried that it hasn't been working since it started.
Good luck!

Good Morning!

We have 29 eggs growing in the incubator. Due Friday night the 22nd! Black Jersey Giants, Polish, Ameraunas and Cochin. It's our first incubator hatch!
Welcome, and good luck!

@Chaos18 out of 10 for sure viable eggs (this was my first time incubating-I am not in the group's league quite yet!), 7 hatched. Four are doing fabulously, into the brooder and eating and drinking. Two are weak and one keeps falling over, not sure it will make it. One died-it pipped and started to zip bit then seemed to get stuck. All around it the other ones were hatching fine, so I don't suspect a humidity issue. I did leave it alone for 12+ hours but ended up assisting. He died sometime during the night. Not sure if I killed him but I am pretty sure he would have died in the shell if I hadn't helped.

We still have 6 eggs in the bator that I was never sure were viable-dark brown eggs and since it was my first time with everything, not sure I really could see what I thought I should see. I am leaving them in for 2 more days but having no pipping at all.

For a first attempt, I am quite pleased. Learned a lot and know some things to do differently next time, and that's always a good thing.
I'm glad you are please with your first hatch!

Good Morning Sally!
We have 29 eggs growing in the incubator. Due Friday night the 22nd! Black Jersey Giants, Polish, Ameraunas and Cochin. It's our first incubator hatch!
Welcome!!! Good Luck!!!

@Chaos18 out of 10 for sure viable eggs (this was my first time incubating-I am not in the group's league quite yet!), 7 hatched. Four are doing fabulously, into the brooder and eating and drinking. Two are weak and one keeps falling over, not sure it will make it. One died-it pipped and started to zip bit then seemed to get stuck. All around it the other ones were hatching fine, so I don't suspect a humidity issue. I did leave it alone for 12+ hours but ended up assisting. He died sometime during the night. Not sure if I killed him but I am pretty sure he would have died in the shell if I hadn't helped.

We still have 6 eggs in the bator that I was never sure were viable-dark brown eggs and since it was my first time with everything, not sure I really could see what I thought I should see. I am leaving them in for 2 more days but having no pipping at all.

For a first attempt, I am quite pleased. Learned a lot and know some things to do differently next time, and that's always a good thing.
I feel the same way you do about my hatch! Good Luck with the remainder

Thanks. She was sure special, and we all miss her. She passed away last fall. I have two favorite pictures of her with the chickens:

Waiting for me to finish up chores in the run. See all the chicks behind her around the waterer? Never bothered them.

Look! Black and white bookends!

And one with our Kendra.
So now that i'm all caught up

Last night after the 2 hatched another 3 decided to pop out, so i have 5 in the bator drying, 1 more pipped and hopefully more will pip while i'm at work

I did find 1 DIS this morning :*( last night it was breathing out its pip hole but this morning it wasnt moving so i got a bamboo skewer and stuck in the little vent hole so i could poke the shell and see if it would move at all, and it didn't, upon speedy removal it looks like it flipped itself down to the other end and got stuck and suffocated and i think it was a splash maran

agfter i took it out and started peeling to find its beak my daughter (4 yo) looks at me and says 'mommy i think its dead' lol, yep but i was still gonna try
Ok.... I kinda need your guys help. I candled all eggs again and all look normal except for one of my EE's. It's darker and its veins has spread out much more than all the other eggs, but... I kind of think I saw two embryos! :eek: I saw two black dots on seperate sides that were both swimming, I don't know it could be my imagination, but it looked like their could be twins. I candeled all eggs before they went into incubator and none of them had double yolks, so what I'm thinking is it has two fertilization spots??? I have heard of this before but isn't that really rare? Has anyone ever dealt with this situation before? Any advice/help? :oops:

are you sure your not seeing the eye and then the other end of the embryo? 
how close are the spots?

I'm not sure I could be, but it's only day 7 and they were on opposite sides of one another. :/ Well today is day 8, but it didn't look like they were connected in anyway. They are both on opposite sides of each other, ones on the west side and the others on the east. :/
from this morning
oh NO I pray you got that chick out!!

THE ZIP / ZIPPING Final HATCH OUT! [COLOR=696969]THIS STAGE LOOKS ALMOST LIKE A ZIPPER ON YOUR JACKET![/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000]IT ONLY LASTS UP TO 45-90 minutes for chicken eggs![/COLOR] The final hatch is very quick compared to the previous gaps/stages! The Chick will continued to push through the shell, using its egg tooth.The chick will take a few short rests, changed position, turn and keep cutting through the shell until its head fall free of the opened shell. It will then kick off the bottom part of the shell and then rest exhausted while its navel opening heals and its downy feathers dry off. HATCH COMPLETE
Thanks so much! This is exactly what I needed! Day 20 I've seen most of the eggs rocking, didn't check for internal pips, no external pips but someone is chirping! :pop :fl Congrats to everyone with chicks!:jumpy
Can't wait to see it as it grows, going to be very pretty!

Thanks I thought so too but it turns out the breeder's flock has infectious Coryza, the NN Polish didn't make it and I had to cull my small flock of 9. She still breeds them but no way am I ever stepping foot there again.
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Well I have 20+ chicks in the bator. It's getting crowded but still have like 10 eggs pipped. I'll take pics when there all out. I dropped 40+ eggs on April 8th also. So I'll have another April hatch also. Let's keep raining the April chicks guys.

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