Square Foot Gardening Thread

I've replanted beans 3 time this year the ones that did come up got eaten, fixed that problem and now they won't come up at all! It has been a very hot dry year here too.
Beans are looking good up this way, but it's my darn shelling peas that look terrible. You think if I pull up what's there now and replant, I will have a crop by fall?
To get beans to come up in really hot weather, I soak my beans overnight in buttermilk. I then make a shallow trench in the soil and soak the trench. Next I put the seed in the trench and cover as I go down the row. I wet the soil again and cover with a 1 x 4 inch board for one or two days. This allows the seed to finish swelling, split its skin and start the root in a moist cooler environment. I check under the board for evidence of sprouting and remove the board when I see the seed producing a sprout. Keep the soil moist and pull crabgrass and weeds that will compete with the new seedlings.

Covering with a board is also a good way to get carrots to sprout when it is hot outside.
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I've got Stink bugs eating/ sucking the life out of my Zukes, Cukes, and Squash. I've replanted them twice now. I thought it was because they we getting too much sun (squash likes a bit of shade) so I made them some little shade tunnels. Lifted the tunnels up to check the plants, stink bugs everywhere!!! I've been trying to scoop up as many as I can find into a plastic container. Bang their little heads by shaking it up and then feeding them to the chickens!!!!! But I swear I've got more than the chickens can eat!!!
I've got Stink bugs eating/ sucking the life out of my Zukes, Cukes, and Squash. I've replanted them twice now. I thought it was because they we getting too much sun (squash likes a bit of shade) so I made them some little shade tunnels. Lifted the tunnels up to check the plants, stink bugs everywhere!!! I've been trying to scoop up as many as I can find into a plastic container. Bang their little heads by shaking it up and then feeding them to the chickens!!!!! But I swear I've got more than the chickens can eat!!!

Are stink bugs the same as squash bugs, I know squash bugs stink?

I am having success in my battle w/ the squash bugs, I am drowning the adults, squishing the young, removing and squishing all eggs I find and spraying the base of the plants w/ tobacco tea. Plants are looking healthy and putting on more fruit, and there is a vast reduction in numbers of bugs.
THANK YOU for this tip.... I will be trying this out in a couple of weekends!
Once again seems mom planted zucchini everywhere so I need some different ways to eat it all, she is already worried about the bumper crop and it is just starting!

My veggie tip of the day:

If you use a julienne style peeler, it makes a nice replacement to spaghetti (just a quick pop in the frying pan to soften)
I'm battling squash bugs too, and yes, they are the same as stink bugs. I hate the darn things
I am handling them pretty much the same as Kassaundra killing the adults and babies and squishing the eggs. The eggs are easily identified on the leaves and can be on the stalks as well. In the sunlight they look like a cluster of miniature shiny reddish BB's. I am sooo ready to completely erradicate them, but they breed like rabbits
Do you have a picture of your squash bugs?

I find it really interesting all the garden pests people have around the country. Since our garden space has been patrolled by a band of bug eating-sprout getting hens for decades, we don't seem to have the same varieties and our "weeds" are mostly veggies/berries/fruit trees that have sprouted up where we did not want them.

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