
Squirrels taste good......rub them down with a little olive oil and bread with some panko crumbs...sprinkle with sea salt and bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes....mmmm mmmm....so delicious.
Squirrels taste good......rub them down with a little olive oil and bread with some panko crumbs...sprinkle with sea salt and bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes....mmmm mmmm....so delicious.
Do they have a lot of internal parasites? I normally just compost my kills, but I have been thinking of using them as a cheap source of dog food. I feed my dogs raw, so what little I have read on the matter recommends freezing them for months before feeding them to the dogs to kill off any parasites. I don't have a lot of freezer space for rodent corpses. What have your experiences been with them?
I don't really know. I gut mine and cook at a high enough temp that it kills everything. I know last year we had some squirrels in town that were carrying the plague or rabies. I don't usually eat city dwelling tree rats. They are a lot more seceptable to carrying stuff I don't wish to come in contact with.

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