Stan the Mighty

It's a little grabber thingy I bought from Harbor Freight Tools. I pinned him down with it a few times and he has a healthy respect for my handy chicken grabber.
I must see this tool!!!
OOoooh Ive got one of those things!!!!!......hehehehehe huuurrrhurrhurrrrrrrr.....if any of my girls get nasty.....cluck-o-matic is going to get used!!
He met the 6ft 2 inch tall string bean nephew yesterday. He looked that boy up and down, waved his wattles at him, then saw me standing nearby and decided to behave himself. Then the nephew decided to reach down and grab a piece of bread. While his intention was to toss the bread closer to Stan, the rooster did not know that.

Stan did what I could only call a sumo wrestler move. You know the one. Where they wrestler throws salt into the ring, raises his leg to the side and stomps the floor. Then glares at his opponent with deadly intent. Stan did the same thing but added a wattle wave before staring with intent.

Legs and arms spinning like propellers, the string bean nephew, ran as fast as he could, slipped on the wet grass, rolled upright, and continued his race into the house. Arms flailing over his head like a hoard of killer birds were after him.

Stan thought about giving chase, but saw me standing nearby now armed with my handy chicken grabber.

"Better eat your bread, boy," I told him.

He shook his wattles and devoured the morsel. He forgot the incident almost immediately.

String Bean, however may take a day or so.
Stan rarely needs the chicken grabber. Simply seeing it keeps him in line.

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