Started building my Coop!


There's where I'm at right now. No roof joists until I move it outside. Doing as 12/12 gable roof with 8 inch overhangs. Planning on having both 4 foot sides as large swinging doors. Poop/roost cleaning on one side and food/water access on the other. Doing lots of high ventilation and will likely make screen doors for both ends for summer ventilation. No clue on nesting boxes yet, would like to go external but need to look into it more first. Also on the fence about enclosure or free range during the day. I live on 5.5 acres in the woods so the birds should be protected from air predators mostly,
If you have that much land, I would recommend a smaller secure run attached to a larger less secure area for controlled free ranging if you can afford it, things like shrubs are good for hiding in a larger area.
Hi! I'm in MN and planning to build some breeding pens when snow melts!!

I started with 4 chickens 2yrs ago and have 17 now. Love Orpingtons, should have Olive egger chicks in the fall.

I also have twins turning 3 and 2 dogs, 2 cats. One of cat watch chickens for me outside when I'm at work :)

Good Luck with ur coop!
I was having trouble on my iphone writing up a post to go with the photo, so here it is on my regular computer!

Yesterday, with the help of my uncle (a retired woodworker/flooring installer), We built 5 rafters for the coop set at a 12/12 pitch. It is a steep roof, but it matches the gables on my home and should also shed snow nicely. Possibly wishful thinking, but Im thinking the extra "narrow" area high in the inside of the coop should help my ventilation plans and allow lots of air to be exchanged through the coop without drafting on my girls, which will be particularly helpful in the winter. When I got home, I glued/installed a piece of heavy duty vinyl laminate flooring onto the floor of my coop, then permanently mounted the walls to the floor structure. I opted not to go with double top plate construction (saves me materials on siding due to the odd height) and am very happy with the structural integrity of the coop, especially considering that I haven't sheeted it yet. I temporarily mounted one of the end gables so I could get an idea of how it will look, and I'm very happy with how it turned out! Everything from here on out will have to be done outside of my climate controlled shop, due to the fact that the overall height of the coop is now going to exceed the height of my door, so progress now will be dependent on weather conditions, which during the winter in Minnesota can literally fluctuate hourly. Updates will be posted as I make more progress! If you see any critical errors or any other ideas, feel free to let me know!
More progress today! Was significantly colder doing this outside than all the prior work inside the heated shop, that's for sure. All rafters were placed and nailed. The sharp peak is unique, but I like it! Starting to think about layout for food/water now. Also how I want to set my roost bars and stuff. Doing t-1-11 siding so the next investment will be over 130 bucks, waiting until my FW is in a good mood to bring that receipt to her! Here's a photo of the progress as well as the front of my house to see the matching gables. Now to find some paint that matches.

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