Stay at home parents!

Mvp that sounds like a blast!! Are the lands for ya'll of for sale? I have personally never had Lamb, we keep debating on whether to get a dairy cow or sheep or goats have decided yet. We hopefully going to be moving to our own property soon I can't wait (soon could be in 3 years). Your neighbor would drive me batty I would do the same with the privacy fence and just ignore her adittude she just trying to make you mad to justify her disbelief show her the light let it shine sister!!!!
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Here a story that might make everyone laugh at me.this a) start when we got rid of a kitten we found on the highway and my daughter lost it and bring our cats in made her happy.
So my husband and I decided to let our cats come in which was a bad move as some jerk predator took the cats not standing guard as an invite to kill a hen. So we moved them back out but left the cat door open to allow the in and out if they so choose. Our orange tabby garfield was the only one to come back in. Him and Lucy are best friends he hung out with her all day and at one point I put him outside to go to the bathroom (he has a bad habit of using the floor). Well Charles (husband) and I head outside to get the BBQ off the grill and when we come back in the cat had brought lucy a freaking rat!!! It was at least four inches from nose to butt and had a four inch tail... she said it was cute and that her kitty gave it to her. The thing wasn't moving Charles said it was still alive so asked me to go get something to catch it with I grab a bucket and dust pan. I don't know why I didn't just had it off but I figured the thing isn't moving I can do this bad choice. I go to pick up with the dust pan and slide it in to the bucket well pretty much as soon as I touch it it springs to life and jumps on my feet I jump in the air while screaming it had touched me *shudders* then runs under the fish tank and hides. We got it out of the house finally but it took awhile before I wanted to walk in the hall way or front porch I made Charles check all of our shoes to make sure it didn't decide they were it's new home.
Here a story that might make everyone laugh at me.this a) start when we got rid of a kitten we found on the highway and my daughter lost it and bring our cats in made her happy.
So my husband and I decided to let our cats come in which was a bad move as some jerk predator took the cats not standing guard as an invite to kill a hen. So we moved them back out but left the cat door open to allow the in and out if they so choose. Our orange tabby garfield was the only one to come back in. Him and Lucy are best friends he hung out with her all day and at one point I put him outside to go to the bathroom (he has a bad habit of using the floor). Well Charles (husband) and I head outside to get the BBQ off the grill and when we come back in the cat had brought lucy a freaking rat!!! It was at least four inches from nose to butt and had a four inch tail... she said it was cute and that her kitty gave it to her. The thing wasn't moving Charles said it was still alive so asked me to go get something to catch it with I grab a bucket and dust pan. I don't know why I didn't just had it off but I figured the thing isn't moving I can do this bad choice. I go to pick up with the dust pan and slide it in to the bucket well pretty much as soon as I touch it it springs to life and jumps on my feet I jump in the air while screaming it had touched me *shudders* then runs under the fish tank and hides. We got it out of the house finally but it took awhile before I wanted to walk in the hall way or front porch I made Charles check all of our shoes to make sure it didn't decide they were it's new home.

Lol good story
Hello, moms and dads! I'm an at-home parent to a 6-year-old girl who recently graduated kindergarten, and a 3-year-old boy who thanks to a fall birthday is more than a year from TK. I've been home with them for 3 years and really prefer it to my former job working on computer databases at a medical lab. My older kid was an easy baby who developed a precocious sass-mouth, and my younger is a very cute and sweet holy-terror-monkey-child who is making good progress at not flipping out about everything as badly as he did last year. Now instead of wordless screaming tantrums he yells "I NEED A LITTLE QUIET TIME!!" plus he uses the potty finally, so I had patience left for a new hobby and new pets. :-D

We are pretty urban compared to some folks on here; tiny yards and zoned for only 6 chickens so I can't fall prey to that "chicken math" I've heard of. My husband is an editor and works in San Francisco, and I have gotten increasingly into urban farming since moving back to the bay area after a decade on the central coast. Both for ecological reasons, and to try to afford staying home longer, with a hope to eventually have my dream job of kids art camp instructor. We have 2 tiny older dogs (Feebling, 9-year-old chihuahua who weighs about 6 pounds and Wiggy, 11-year-old runty rat terrier, about 8 pounds), 2 cats, a snake, 3 newts, eccentric amounts of fish, and now 4 chickens! Originally we wanted chickens because we missed pet birds (I've kept finches most of my life!) but needed something too big to be terrorized by cats (hopefully!), although now I'm looking forward to edible eggs. My finches (I bred zebra finches and owl finches, and kept a couple star finches as well) used to lay eggs the size of jelly beans!
Welcome, I wish mine would want quite time lol she gets mad if just the radio is on and not the TV or her toys. She likes it loud I am trying to get her to like quite time before mommy lose her mind.
Ok five more months of breast feeding and I done seriously about to lose it. He breastfeed a as often as a newborn and I swear he just wants to suckle slot of the time. I getting tired of the thirty minute laying in bed next to him until I can get away only to get caught 15 minutes later. It's getting difficult to get house work done with him. He teething and has bitten me twice with his two new teeth that hurts. I know they say don't make a noise but how can you not... lucy doing great we trying to see if naps are good or bad so far still bad she can't got to bed on time when she had a nap even an 1 hr naplease she stays up till 11pm so no nap time I guess sighs I really wanted her to take one lol. I am going to try and accomplish the dishes today a day sweep mop vacuum carpet clean and laundry I doubt I get it all done sadly it seems I get so close everYtime but never meet the goal. My husband has tried to talk me in to buying a dish washer but we have no room for it and five hundred is to much right now to spend. How every one else doing?
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Buy a dishwasher, it's worth it!!

How old is your teether? I had good luck with a firm "No biting" and nursing time is over (at least for a few minutes until they get the point). I think not making a sound would keep him from knowing he's hurting you. You don't want to make an entertaining/exciting yell because he can't understand empathy at this age, but do calmly communicate that biting makes his meal go away. I nursed my kids until they were 13 and 20 months, and I would've cut them off much sooner if they hadn't gotten over biting quickly! I hope your baby is over it soon!
I sympathize with the naps, too. My first napped until she was nearly four but my second had to give up naps at two, same reason, it was interfering with bedtime.
He seven months old. He nurses after every meal and once to twice between and at nap time and at bed time then three two twice a night then several times before we get up for the day sighs. I still as yet started my cycle since he nurse so often but the cramps show the ugly heads often. I keep thinking about the dish washer but it would take up my cabinet space which I hardly have any or the walk way to the living room we live in a pretty small house with not a lot of storage for the stuff we currently have. It is very tempting it would be nice to pop everything in there and let the machine handle the dishes. Ok if he can find a place for it but I might have to wait until we move. Yeah she stopped at two my mother keeps telling me she needs naps but my mother doesn't get that she won't be tired at bed time if she has one she tells me I need to wear her out like I did when we where on vacation on vacation I had two other kids and my mother for her also to play with and we would go to the park before she played with them. I had three older kids over who play with her and they get worn out first and she still goes to 9 pm when the jumped and ran and played outside and inside and chased the ducks and chickens. She has an insane energy level.




I am a SAHM to 3 children ages 9, 2 and 6 months. We moved to ND 4 years ago and I absolutely adore the small town life. Not so much the blizzards but hey :D We are also new to owning and raising chickens but this website has been extremely helpful even before I joined. We hope to one day run a small, self sufficient as possible homestead. I look forward to getting to know you all!

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