Stay at home parents!

Good morning everyone! My house has been up since 6 - Roy had a poopy and then fought his way through breakfast. He didn't want oatmeal - I served oatmeal anyway. You know normal parent-child dispute. Hows everyone else?
Good morning everyone! My house has been up since 6 - Roy had a poopy and then fought his way through breakfast. He didn't want oatmeal - I served oatmeal anyway. You know normal parent-child dispute. Hows everyone else?

Hiya. Greeted by nice sunshine today so always energized by that. Hope your day goes good!
Good after noon, today seems like it taking forever
we had to take lucy with us to the appointment today her friend was sick and i didnt want her exposed. We took snacks and she didnt want what we brought she wanted a vending machine snack that didnt happen it took the entire appointment before she finally gave up and ate what she had
. I got permission to remove the casts at home on sundays so he can have a bath (he stunk to high heaven it was horrible i washed him twice and he still smelled
). I have lots of cleaning to do today dish floors bathrooms laundry and carpet cleaning (i have more but thats my goal lol). What said is i carpet cleaned last week but miss thing took up going potty in her bedroom instead of the toilet
potty training sucks at two she was completely potty trained then i got pregnant and she reverted. Now candy doesnt work neither does cloth not naked ness nor special rewards. Ooo i made sweet and sour chicken last night best meal ever the recipe turned out great. I completely forgot what i oringally planned on saying so i am rambling and my thought is not coming back!
Good after noon, today seems like it taking forever
we had to take lucy with us to the appointment today her friend was sick and i didnt want her exposed. We took snacks and she didnt want what we brought she wanted a vending machine snack that didnt happen it took the entire appointment before she finally gave up and ate what she had
. I got permission to remove the casts at home on sundays so he can have a bath (he stunk to high heaven it was horrible i washed him twice and he still smelled
). I have lots of cleaning to do today dish floors bathrooms laundry and carpet cleaning (i have more but thats my goal lol). What said is i carpet cleaned last week but miss thing took up going potty in her bedroom instead of the toilet
potty training sucks at two she was completely potty trained then i got pregnant and she reverted. Now candy doesnt work neither does cloth not naked ness nor special rewards. Ooo i made sweet and sour chicken last night best meal ever the recipe turned out great. I completely forgot what i oringally planned on saying so i am rambling and my thought is not coming back!

Glad the sweet&sour came out good!
You an me both Good morning all!! My husband asked me if i knew joshua could sort of crawl
. I didnt he said that he used his arms to move around and then he rolled so be could look at daddy. He four month thats not right...
he growning up to fast ok i have a video of rolling and of him holding himself and the crunches but seriously crawling i need to go through lucy toys and move the things he could choke on to her room and go get a gate she can open and close so he cant go in there. Man i was hoping he would stay small longer... Next time the dr asks me if the cast bother him at home i going to cry and say no lol. His sister was advanced as well i still rememeber when at both birth the nurse were checking them over right after i gave birth and said oh wow they can already lift themselves up.
i am starting to feel like i missing out on the baby baby stage... They just jump from one thing to another this mean no shoes allowed in the house even onthe hard wood and the floors have to stay clean so moping and sweeping after everyone goes to bed... And after every meal.
Gotta love some of these moments with the youngest...asked her what she's gonna name her new favorite chick,,,it's like (duh mom),,,"super chick". Like it coulda went by any other name!

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