Stay at home parents!

I grew up with Tv and I still enjoy tv but everyone at my house knows the real fun is outside! Both my kids are what my Nana would describe as Earth Children. They dig in the dirt, eat the dirt, and live for a good patch of mud. It blows my mind how fast they get dirty and it drives my husbands sisters nuts Lol! It's so much fun. We regularly experience tears when we have to come inside for lunch and nap (Oh how I Abuse her). All of my daughter's understandable sentences are about only 2 subjects: 1. Roy - HER baby brubba (brother) or 2. the Chickies. If its cold or raining Johanna will settle for Legos and endless story time. As for the Tv though - its only worth watching if you get to snuggle with Daddy when he gets home from a long day at Work. As for Roy - he is learning from the master - today in the garden he ate fresh oranges, grapefruit, and a big ol handful of Dirt! Plenty of screams came when we washed his face before nap.
Thanks. Hope everyone had a fun Mother's Day. My hubby made me breakfast in bed and my daughter and I went to a mother's daughter's tea at church. It was lots of fun. I made my daughter's hat and she won 2nd place for the decorated hat competition.
That hat is so pretty i love it and sge looks so happy!! How is everyone? We been pretty busy around here. We had company last weekend, last wensday and this past weekend i dropped said company off at school this morning we will have (possibly my parents) company this weekend. This last friday joshau got the boots and bar
he doesnt mind the boots but the bar he gets mad about. However he can get out of them and does so often

So we are getting him refitted today. They said insurance only pays for the first three months then after that its out of pocket.... When we ask how much they first said a couple to several thousand (dr said that) the cashier estimated that it would be about if not a little more then a thousand each time he got new set of the boots and the bar
which will happen every three month until he 3-5 years of age. Also we found some land(family member wants to get rid of) we going to get a core sample before we tell them yes or no so we know if can build a house on it. Once that comes back (if its all good) we be getting ready to move out there. Charlie(husband) is still working nights we hoping for 6am-2pm shift so he can keep both jobs since now we need them i be pulling the dayshift at the dance hall(one of charlies two jobs) so that he gets paid for it the kids will be going there with me so yeah. Thats pretty much it here outside we moved the chickens from the back yard(130x100feet) to the front yard(100x100feet) they pretty happy we also got rid of ten chickens and we had a duck that died from unknow causes so we down from 41 to 30 birds total.
We have been busy too! We are still enjoying spring like weather. Took the kids swimming for the first time this year over the weekend. My daughter was just as excited as I was - she remembers the pool from last year. We also got letters from some groups here in CA that have agreed to pay for all of Johanna's medical testing and hearing aids! Wooohooo! Roy is on a wait list to have his hearing retested as well just because older sister is hearing impaired and we are certain it is genetic. The garden is going well - lots of green beans, tomatoes, and zucchini. Roy (9 months) can crawl, pull up, and stand w/o holding on now. In June we will be purchasing some lambs to raise for market. They will live on a 3 acre pasture that we are supposed to be farming behind my father in laws house. I will also be training our cow dog to herd with the new lambs. It will be a fun summer. :)
Today I overheard my neighbors complaining that my daughter was going to wander out of the gate one day. The latch on the gate is 5ft off the ground, dear daughter is 2.5 ft tall - there is absolutely nothing she can climb on to open the gate. As soon as my neighbor saw me she complained about my meat birds who had escaped the chicken run and were hanging out in MY garden. I'm so annoyed with this neighbor - she is insanely nosey. While I was visiting my folks over Xmas the neighbor called to tell me my husband was never home (he was with his family) and the dog was being abused outside (dog stays outside unless weather is poor, then she comes inside.). The neighbor also occasionally lectures me about how she feels nobody should ever have children and that Christianity is nonsense (knowing full well that we are Christians). I'm officially buying a privacy screen for the fence line along that side of our property.

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