Stella's Social Club

Rinda - wow, that's a lot of hives! I'm impressed. I wish we had the honey flow that you do, but we are dry, so not as lucky in the honey department.

Mary - beautiful pictures of Tucker, I love the one of him on the rock. The poor Isbar needs to molt, she's raggedy too.
Good job to all you cat-adopters!!
You are getting some lovely companions as well as rodent control.
While I appreciate the sentiment, finding space at the local shelters is impossible. I am not happy that someone dumped poor Pinkypie on us. We are older. I told my DD when they move out they're to take her with them.

The local CNY cat coalition has done wonders in reducing the kitten population but it will take years to put a dent in unwanted cats.

I wish someone would invent a litter scooper with a longer handle, so you don't have to get so close to the yuk. I will be screwing ours to a long piece of wood.
Though DD has been very good about taking care of that end of the cat ownership.
Rinda - wow, that's a lot of hives! I'm impressed. I wish we had the honey flow that you do, but we are dry, so not as lucky in the honey department.

Mary - beautiful pictures of Tucker, I love the one of him on the rock. The poor Isbar needs to molt, she's raggedy too.

She's waiting her turn. Stella will kick her butt if she tries to molt at the same time!
While I appreciate the sentiment, finding space at the local shelters is impossible. I am not happy that someone dumped poor Pinkypie on us. We are older. I told my DD when they move out they're to take her with them.

The local CNY cat coalition has done wonders in reducing the kitten population but it will take years to put a dent in unwanted cats.

I wish someone would invent a litter scooper with a longer handle, so you don't have to get so close to the yuk. I will be screwing ours to a long piece of wood.
Though DD has been very good about taking care of that end of the cat ownership.
When you're older is just when you need the comfort of a cat! I's been proven that patting a cat (or dog) lowers blood pressure and relieves depression.

My DH made me a long handled scoop! I told him he should patent it. It's made out of aluminum so heavy duty but light weight - the handle is wood. It's the greatest thing!



Here are some pics of my chickens! Fire rose ( Rhode Island Red ), sweet pea ( ??? ) and miss puffy ( buff Orpington )

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