Stella's Social Club

I just used bottled Huli Huli sauce I got from World Market. You can also order it from Amazon. Michael grew up on this stuff in Hawaii. I followed the directions on the bottle and baked the chicken in the oven but next time I am going to marinade it first then grill it. Don't get me wrong. It was delicious but i think it will be even better grilled. I also made Huli Huli gravy from the recipe on the bottle. It was so good spooned over the steamed rice.

Here's the scoop on Huli Huli chicken:

Copied from

In 1955 Ernest Morgado cooked up a big batch of chicken for a farmer's group. It had been marinated in his take on the classic Japanese Teriyaki Sauce, and painted with the sauce on the grill. It was such a hit that, by the time he died, it had become a signature dish beloved throughout Hawaii, served mostly by shade tree cooks from roadside stands, parking lots, and parks at fundraisers. Drive around Oahu and if you see smoke rising and smell something sweet, it is likely Huli-Huli chicken. The locals keep napkins in their glove compartment just in case.
Clearly a pioneer in the concept of branding, Morgado knew that he couldn't just call his dish "teriyaki chicken". He needed a unique name for his specialty to fend off competition. Then it came to him while cooking a batch.
Rather than turn scores chicken pieces one by one when he was catering an event, he sandwiched the meat between two mesh grates, and, with the help of an assistant, flipped the whole contraption. Sort of Hawaiian rotisserie. When it was time to turn, he would shout "huli" which is Hawaiian for "turn" to his assistant who would shout "huli" back, grab the handles on the other side of the grates, and turn the chicken over, lickety split. Huli-Huli Chicken was born.

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I agree with the treatment of the Vietnam gets upon their return. Horrible.

Mary - I hope you are posting that chicken recipe in your blog. Do you use a frosting bag to frost the cupcakes? I've never used one. They look delicious though!

Even tho they changed their policies and allow Nam, and Korean vets in now (mainly due to the dwindling numbers of WW1 and 2 vets) I refuse to give money to the VFW. Mind you if any other charity wants money for supporting the vets and research proves most of the money goes to them (and not to administrative fees) I will gladly give till it hurts to them, but not to a vet's group whom turned their backs to other vets returning from a war and needing help because of it being a "police action". off my soap box now and sorry for my rant, but I hate hypocrites.
Even tho they changed their policies and allow Nam, and Korean vets in now (mainly due to the dwindling numbers of WW1 and 2 vets) I refuse to give money to the VFW. Mind you if any other charity wants money for supporting the vets and research proves most of the money goes to them (and not to administrative fees) I will gladly give till it hurts to them, but not to a vet's group whom turned their backs to other vets returning from a war and needing help because of it being a "police action". off my soap box now and sorry for my rant, but I hate hypocrites.
I only gave to the Vietnam Vet groups and a group of mothers of servicemen. I have my own bone to pick with the VFW.
HEY! Some of you gave advice on an Isbar egg I had with an air sac on the side- it hatched today, a blue chick! It was the first Isbar egg to hatch, too! It's having trouble finding its footing so I gave it vitamins first thing, hopefully it will be running around in the morning! Thanks so much everybody! I put it on its side with the air cell up and rocked it back and forth a few times per day until lockdown.

Now if I can just get chick mortality down on my Isbars! Had some suggestions from a friend, going with possible infection being passed on by the hens into the eggs so I've moved their coop onto fresh soil and started Braggs ACV in their water, and colloidal silver in the chick's waterer to help them fight any infection. Sure hope that does the trick, I am so eager to get this breed going! I finally have 4 chicks that have made it to 2 weeks old, that's about as far as I've ever gotten so fingers crossed they will live...
Tucker is still obsessing over the chicks that lived in the basement for while. He used to love to go down and check on the chicks. He is still obsessing over them after they moved outside. I made a video today. The chicks were relaxing in the tall grass when Tucker ran up to the fence to check on them. The ones who knew him from the basement got up, but stayed put. The ones that brooded in the little yellow house, and never met Tucker ran for their lives. It cracked me up.
HEY! Some of you gave advice on an Isbar egg I had with an air sac on the side- it hatched today, a blue chick! It was the first Isbar egg to hatch, too! It's having trouble finding its footing so I gave it vitamins first thing, hopefully it will be running around in the morning! Thanks so much everybody! I put it on its side with the air cell up and rocked it back and forth a few times per day until lockdown.

Now if I can just get chick mortality down on my Isbars! Had some suggestions from a friend, going with possible infection being passed on by the hens into the eggs so I've moved their coop onto fresh soil and started Braggs ACV in their water, and colloidal silver in the chick's waterer to help them fight any infection. Sure hope that does the trick, I am so eager to get this breed going! I finally have 4 chicks that have made it to 2 weeks old, that's about as far as I've ever gotten so fingers crossed they will live...

Congrats! I'm so glad it hatched!
on the mortality issues.

Cute video Mary!

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