Stella's Social Club

look what was waiting for me in the coop when i got home yesterday evening...

with the head that is currently missing i would have put it at about 5'5".....since it was only a couple inches shorter than me when i held it up

the three lumps are ceramic eggs...need to go get some more now!
Not what you want to find! You can't recover the ceramic eggs from the snake?

Well our plans for Memorial Day got canceled as we had a puker.... hoping everyone is better by tomorrow my SIL is set to have her baby and I want to go see!!! They never find out gender, but big sis is 11 and hoping for a sister (they have two young boys as well).
Sorry your plans got canceled. Prayers for the new baby and mother.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!

We had a cook-out with 4 of 6 of our children and had a great time. The Cinco de Mayo poults were a hit with the girls.......... "They are so friendly!" "They make the cutest sounds!".........mind you, these are the 23 year old DD2 and 31 year old DIL........not the grandkids!!

Sounds like a good day. It was quiet here, we did have frost Fri., Sat., and Sun., so the tomato and pepper planting was delayed.
Whew, I need a chicken break.

I'm in full on prep for my County Fair and have been baking for the last few days. So far I've made my cookie dough for; chocolate chip, gingersnap, oatmeal, peanut butter, shortbread & sugar. I've also baked, pound cake, cupcakes, pumpkin bread, zucchini bread, lemon/blueberry bread. I've finished my French bread, graham bread, raisin bread & white bread. I have thirty-five things I haven't started yet (entries go in on June 10th to judge on the 11th.

I still have to mount my photo and organize my canned goods.

I like the old lady sports, LOL

Although I haven't found time to sit and tat for a couple of years now.
Could I please have the recipe for the lemon blueberry bread?

look what was waiting for me in the coop when i got home yesterday evening...

with the head that is currently missing i would have put it at about 5'5".....since it was only a couple inches shorter than me when i held it up

the three lumps are ceramic eggs...need to go get some more now!
That's a good sized snake. Glad it got the ceramic eggs and not chicks.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

We had a cook-out with 4 of 6 of our children and had a great time. The Cinco de Mayo poults were a hit with the girls.......... "They are so friendly!" "They make the cutest sounds!".........mind you, these are the 23 year old DD2 and 31 year old DIL........not the grandkids!!
Sounds like a great time.
look what was waiting for me in the coop when i got home yesterday evening...

with the head that is currently missing i would have put it at about 5'5".....since it was only a couple inches shorter than me when i held it up

the three lumps are ceramic eggs...need to go get some more now!

How wasteful! You should have been able to recover those eggs and make a belt! I need to take some pictures for you, I have a couple of pullets with great leg color coming along in the rocks.

Quote: As soon as I get a couple of more things baking/rising this morning (and DH fed), I'll type it out for you. I found it years ago in a magazine or I'd do a link.
Deb, you amaze me. I would have to sleep for a week if I did all that. And, I'd still be tired!
I've been doing fair for about twenty years. I normally have around 100 entries in canned goods (200 jars to haul in, 2 each), but I had no kitchen during most of canning season this year because of the remodel. So I only have around 20 entries there.

I always enter most of the baked goods classes, around 50. There's a few I rarely bother with. I figure it's more fun to watch a class judged if you're entered and I'm going to be there all day anyway. I got a very slow start this year (because of the chickens and my hatching addiction
) so I really only started baking a few days ago. I usually have all my cookie doughs and quick breads made a couple of months in advance and my yeast breads done about two weeks in advance. It's taken a lot of experimentation to find out what is unaffected by the freezing process before judging. Candy is usually made 1-2 weeks in advance and will just sit for some stuff, like brittles.

But there are LOTS of things that have to be done at the last minute, they just aren't good unless made last minute, like pies. I have ten pies entered this year. The cream pies can be made on Sunday, fruit pies have to be Monday. Baking powder biscuits I'm usually taking out of the oven as I'm loading everything into the car. It gets turned in on a Monday night and judged on Tuesday.

One year I was unhappy with a candy entry and at the last minute I decided to make a redo with some homemade marshmallows. I threw them together while I was plating and loading everything into the car. I let them set up while I jumped into the shower (to wash off two days of dirt, sweat and flour, LOL). Cut them up, stuck them on a plate and headed for the fairgrounds. The next day they went Best in Show, LOL You just never know what is going to impress a judge.

I usually have a photograph or two or ten entered. And I've dabbled with lots of other things, sewing, tatting, ceramics, horticulture, etc. I grabbed a little plant off my window sill one year and entered it, got BIS succulent. Turned out it was a very rare plant, I had no idea, a friend (plant collector) had given me a start a couple of years earlier. They told me what it was, but I had no idea it was so special, LOL

I just love fairs, my friend that is in charge of livestock at the State fair says it just means we all have some carny worker blood in our veins. I used to do lots of work (and entries) at State fair, but I cut back. I've kept my hand in by doing some of the showmanship judging. This year I'm going back to run the youth poultry show and oversee the hatching nursery. So if you go to the Fur/Feathers building, the chicks/eggs will all be mine this year. I'm also supplying birds to run around the farm display. I have to find birds that will stand up to being chased around by kids.
Some will be penned, but they like to have a few running around with the public.
Our Mom encouraged us to enter in the county fair as kids, she would enter quilts and other fiber arts, we would enter baked goods and homemade jewelry and artwork. It was great fun, and we kept the little blue ribbons for years.
Ain't no way I would hoist one up to see how long it was. Nor would I care to retrieve gunky ceramic eggs. Maybe you could fool them with the exploding golf balls they used to sell as tricks.

Thanks to the picture being repeated so often I'm back in my catatonic state
Can I borrow Tucker???
Ain't no way I would hoist one up to see how long it was. Nor would I care to retrieve gunky ceramic eggs. Maybe you could fool them with the exploding golf balls they used to sell as tricks.

Thanks to the picture being repeated so often I'm back in my catatonic state
Can I borrow Tucker???
Sorry, no. He's busy.


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