Stella's Social Club

My instructor's critique of the first oatmeal pic:

This one is really nice! Love the light angle and how you got some light coming through the raspberries. Very nice work!

Regarding the darker pic of the oatmeal:

Hi Mary. Your exposure for the highlights here is really nice. A bit more fill on the front blueberry and right raspberry would be nice as they are a bit dark. I do like the colors and tones you have here.

Regarding the fruit on a continuous white background:

Very nice colors and the exposure looks good. What was your lighting setup here? There does appear to be two distinct light sources as there is a bit of "cross" or double shadowing going on. This is pretty easy to fix by simply reducing the power of the second light source so it does not create any shadows. This one would also look really good from a slightly lower angle with a full frame vertical composition.

Regarding my splash pic:

Beautiful glow in the liquid! Sorry to hear you lost an image! Are you shooting tethered? If so, you can usually select to have the image saved on both the memory card and on the hard drive or external drive of the computer to help keep from losing any work. Shutter speed is pretty slow for a splash and you can get the motion frozen much easier above 1/250. Depending on your lighting available, you might need to bump the iso quite a bit to get a higher shutter speed.
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I don't think he enjoyed the BBQ as much as I bet you did!

I need to go mark some eggs and put them under two different broodies. They've both been sitting already for about six weeks and I can't get them to break. So they win, I'll give them eggs. This will probably break them
Now if there would just be a break in the rain, I could get out there and get my chores done.

I had a silkie that kept swiping everyone's eggs and had quite a mixed collection of eggs. I finally took them away from her and split them into three groups based on how far along they looked. I had them pretty close and ended up hatching seven of them. Of course, since I didn't know exact dates, most of them ended up in the bottom of the cabinet
One of them hatched and then crawled over a row and was sleeping in an empty row on the top shelf. It was dry, fluffy, sleeping and rocking back and forth with it's head resting on the next egg over. Very cute
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Quote: I was just counting the eggs.......put seven marked NJ eggs (that look like Icelandic eggs) under the broody.....each night counted the extras.....then when I candled at 17 days.......hmmm.....where did this unmarked egg come from?
....and how long has it been here?
With the GNH, had marked Rhodebar eggs (part of a prize dozen from corancher that look alot like a light brown GNH egg) and same story....counting eggs and not checking until time to candle and remove duds. The hens were obviously on top of the removing the duds already......

I like that the instructor gives you detailed feedback/critique. I think the "splash" picture, while lacking the splash you may have been looking for, looked very refreshing.

Mike, Nice looking set of legs you have there..
....that is the biggest difference I noticed on the Cornish X I have raised for the freezer and the other cockerels that end up there, the legs are some much longer and more developed in the heritage/standard bred birds.

.......speaking of meat birds.......these Freedom Rangers are getting on my nerves......they will be nine weeks old on Wednesday and the cockerels are crowing and starting to fight with each other...
...maybe time to call the processor and see if I can get them in earlier than the July 11 date we have scheduled......
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It's a Northern Alabama thing. Its Mayonnaise based. I used 2 cups mayo, 1 cup cider vinegar, 1/4 cup horseradish, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp cayenne. It's put on after grilling/smoking is complete.
Wow, 1/4 cup horseradish and 1/2 tsp cayenne? I might need to try this!

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