Stella's Social Club

thanks so much Happy Chooks and Deb - the ice cream never made it to my birthday but, I did find a Dove milk chocolate bar - "someone" had hidden in the refrigerator..
Quote: Aug 28th......................and I'm changing decades

And I've got a ton of blackberries I should pick. I never picked any last year, because I still haven't used up everything I froze the year before. That's a lot of work for ice crystals!

I was cleaning up my laptop to go to BestBuy and visit the Geek Squad. After cleaning a year's worth (almost) of dust off the screen and keyboard, I popped off the battery pack and put it back in. I then took it back off, blew on the connectors and put it back.

I thought, what the heck, give it one more try.

Hit the power button and up it came.

Now, time to back up files that I ALWAYS say I'm going to get done.

And Linda, we should meet on the 29th for a combo birthday celebration!
Yo Deb maybe you can freelance with the Geek Squad - you've got talent.!!! Just think what they would have charged you for that.
Thank you very much!

I just finished backing up my whole computer onto the 1TB hard drive I bought a year ago and never once got around to running a backup

Now, if I just leave it plugged in, it's set to back up automatically on a weekly basis.

It's my photos that it kills me to chance losing. When my old laptop was yanked off the table and hit the floor (border collie running by the cord), it cost me $100 to pull my files off the drive and put them on the external hard drive. That's the only thing that was ever on it. Mostly all my photos from traveling through Central and South America. I would have been really sad if I had lost all of them.

There were lots of travel photos on here as well (and POULTRY). I'm so happy it's working. Even if it won't come back on again, at least now I've saved everything!

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