Still trying to figure this out.... overwhelmed!!


11 Years
May 21, 2011
Here is a picture of my chicks. I have read everything I can get my hands on but I still can't decide what I have...
Got them at TSC April 28th and they told me they were "fancy breeds." No one there could help me at all.
I think I have all hens.... hopefully!



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I know at the very least, you have two barred rocks. One female (left), one male (right).
Buff Orpoington, perhaps Rhode Island Red, Dominique? (the front onedepending on the comb, can't see clearly what type it is) and Bared Rock or Cuckoo Maran. Not sure about the white one.
How old R they? maybe 2 barred rocks? I think I see 2 roos? Could the white one be a leghorn? Red one a RIR? And a Buff something.
I'm just guessing..not to good at these things.
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Okay, left to right, I see a barred rock pullet, a barred rock cockeral, the white one in the back is maybe a white leghorn pullet, the red one I can't tell enough but looks like it may be a cockeral, that's still a lot of comb for that age, as for breed it's a rhode island or production red, and the gold bird is a buff orpington cockeral.
edited--okay, you added more pics while I was typing, the red bird really looks like a boy. They're about a month old, right?
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I see pullet leghorn
RIR could be roo-need better head shot
2 barred rocks 1 pullet 1 roo - yellow legs and single comb
Buff Orpington looks like a roo
I believe that if that is a Buff Orpington, it is also a cockerel along with the lighter colored Barred Plymouth Rock. My BO is about the same age with a tiny light colored comb and barely any waddles.
They are at least 7 weeks old... wouldn't someone be trying to crow??
They cluck and coo...

Thanks for all your help. I thought a Rhode Island Red & the two barred rocks... I was afraid one would be male and the other female since their coloring was different. Shucks!!
I was thinking a leghorn for the white but I have no idea about the buff colored... I was hoping for the orpington.

Oh.... I just figured out what waddles are..... duh!!!
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