Stockton CA Pacific Poultry Breeders Assoc Show 1/28 - 1/29/12

That sebastopol is my "Gary". He got Best Medium Goose!!!!

I just wanna say, that Wheatie of yours is amazing!

And people keep the LF photos coming.
Pictures?? I have some but they are mostly with my kids in them.
My girls getting ready before the show.

Abby won 1st and BV with her black Cochin Hen! (Tons of black cochin hens too!)

The kids got a kick out of this very beautiful turkey.

My mother daughter bantam polish (the one of the left is the mom and she won BV) The pullet is her baby. Both won 1st in their division.

The kids and their winnings. I can't remember exactly but I think seven 1st places, two 2nds and one 3rd place.

I only bought one bird. A bantam cochin rooster. I needed him real bad to breed with all my bantam cochin frizzle girls. He is beautiful.

Also the breeder we got our starter pair in Washington gave us this rooster. We love him already. :)

We can't wait until Fresno!


Cute pics, Sarah! Thank you for posting them and congrats on all the awards!
Jean I looked for you to pick up the humidity pan, but never found you. I was so looking forward to meeting up too.

Sarah! Congrats to your girls! Makayla keeps bugging me about the Turlock show, but I've never shown and definately never did showmanship with chickens. I have no idea how she'll do, but she's had her little Modern Game roo out practicing with a pencil. LOL

So glad you did well and hope those girls of your's continue to bring home lots of ribbons.

OK have to go ost my gian tegg pick now. LOL
I have a question.

Do birds shown in 4H or whatever, have to be show quality? I need to place some birds that are very young and are not SQ. Bantam breeds and I decided I'm only working with a couple of those this year. I'd like to donate, but don't want to call to do that and then have the birds not good enough.
OK cool. I think I'm donating Lunch and Dinner. They're so cute, but someone has to go. Oh and Snack should be crowing soon. Figures. I need to find out for sure what he is, cause he has to go too.
I spent hours Saturday trying to find you, Walt, to say hello....and Jean to get some cockerels from her. I never saw either of you. I was even able to track down Jean's cell number. She must have been busy chatting away with Walt to hear my call!
I'm really bummed I missed you both!

I didn't have my phone with me, but I asked people where they saw her last and always managed to track her down. I know for sure she was looking for you too,.. no fun bringing cockerels all the way from WA and not finding the person that ordered them.
Great pictures! It is wonderful to see so many people with one common interest (exhibition poultry). For those who missed the banquet, it was good and the conversation and company was even better. Thanks to the host club and all those that helped with the setup, teardown, activities, and all the paperwork.

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