Story time silkies, I am writing a book


5 Years
Feb 17, 2014
Phoenix ax
Beyond the Egg

As I formed inside my cream colored egg I had realised that it was getting too small. I shuffled in my egg until something broke open, my foot foot stretched out into the hole. It was cold, i scrambled around some more and I slipped out of the eggshell I once called home. It was even warmer than my egg, being alone and scared I screamed at the top of my lungs, "chirp chirp chirp!!!!" I called out to nothing. The yolk on my fur-like-feathers was wet and slimy, drying as the heat warmed me. When I was almoust completly dry a giant wall moved from its spot, letting in a blinding light. Something moved the ground and a giant hand picked me up! My eyes were amazed by all the colors around me! I got set down into a box full of fuzzy warm chicks of different colors!
Beyond the Egg

The larger chicks already knew how to walk, so I knew I was no match for them yet. As I turned my head I could see another chick like me but it's head was slicked back with yolk. I got so tired that I closed my eyes and fell asleep. "Run!!!" Was the word I woke up to. The chicks around me desperately scrambled around the box. I soon became overwhelmed with fear, I jump up but fall back down my feet weren't ready to lift me. I close my eyes and feel a smaller hand wrap around me, when I open my eyes I see the large face of a young girl, she sets me into a dark cold box and I'm back with the other chicks.
Beyond the Egg

In the even smaller box I was in the other chicks moved to the corner, since I couldn't use my legs properly I sat in front of the giant girl, she looks at something to her left and says "you know? I think I'm going to call this one Camryn jr. , or maybe Baby Camryn? Because this one is the youngest like me." Yep I thought, that is my new name. As the box we were in shook and shook I thought we would never be on a flat surface again. I once again fell asleep.
The box was placed on a bouncy flooring, and I was instantly woke up. I was hungry and thirsty and cold. I saw a red light flash and the small hand reached in to the box and grabbed the chicks and I. When It grabbed me and set me down for the first time I was able to stand, but something was wrong.
Beyond the Egg

My feet ached and it was hard to walk, when I looked at my feet I saw that all of my toes on both feet were curled and I couldn't fix them or walk good. :( . I stood once more and tripped a large black chick with a white stomach walked up to me. "What's wrong with your feet?! Why aren't you normal?" It chirped to me. Another black chick slightly smaller than the first walked up to it "leave that chicken back!" It said. The smaller black chicken strutted closer to me and it said " hi there chick, my name is Moosh!" Eager to run around happily I jumped, but failed the attempt." It was sad and I could tell Moosh felt bad about it.

Camryn jr.
Beyond the Egg

As it got dark the girl craddeled me in her arms and kissed me goodnight, I can tell I'm her favorite, who dosent like an underdog I think. Back in with the others I go, it gets really dark and I realise my eyes getting heavy, I go into a deep slumber...
Beyond the Egg

I wake to the sound of my brothers and sisters drinking and eating. Moosh tries to explain how to drink the water, but I still don't understand. The girl grabs me with a loose grip and touches my beak to the water, I suck it in and totally understood the consept of how I was supposed to drink water. Looking at Moosh eat was different, in order to get that learned I had to figure that out myself. Gently I pecked the pebble shaped food, not realizing that I had to pick it up in my beak a chick named dot fell on her back and laughed. I felt so embarrassed, I picked a small piece and swallowed it, it had a wheaty taste to it, it tasted soooooo gooood! Donk doink dink I hear, I look up the bigger black chick, it's name Is jeta, it's pecking at the wood. I don't know why she does that, but it's a beautiful noise. I'm thinking, Does she do it for music?

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