Stray Dogs Again!@#@!!!*

Yeah, I would set a trap but I worry about other dogs and cats getting trapped, not just the offenders. I am going to look into getting a shotgun.
If I lived closer I would gladly let you use my 12ga. and give you a couple of boxes of shells! Why can't some people understand that if they going to have a dog, they need to take care of it. That includes keeping it out of trouble.
Anyways I hope you get them!
I don't know the laws where you live but where I live you can any animal causing the problem as long as it dies on your property. If it gets off your property you are guilty of animal cruelty, very stiff fines and even jail time.
Forget the dog catchers, they will come get it only after you have caught it. I would use some foothold traps with some gland lure or fox urine for an attractant. If they are big dogs cross stake them or use cable stakes.
Animal control is nonexistent here. We are permitted to shoot any animal killing our livestock. I do not like having to shoot these dogs, but my own stupid dogs don't even bark at them, except the Papillon who is in his fenced yard. The owner refuses to tie the dogs or fence them and says she has no use for them. Today we killed the shepherd, but the PitBull got away again. Hopefully he has learned his lesson but I doubt it. I am afraid to use leg traps, as I said because of our own dogs and cats.
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but does the dog deserve to be poisoned for that? What about the owner who failed to properly secure and supervise their dog?

The owner isn't forcing them to kill chickens, its the dogs decision. And he made the wrong one. Not saying that he should be poisoned, but if it needed to be done... Better the dog then my birds.

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