"stray" peacock


12 Years
Nov 27, 2009
hobart indiana
I have 3 peacocks and one peahen. 3 days ago I had a "stray" peacock wandering by the pen.
Hes been displaying and walking along the fence all day. Am I asking for trouble if I let him into the pen with the others?
They don't seem to pay much attention to him outside the pen.
Yes you would be asking for all kinds of problems. Right now you have relative harmony in your pen and you are lucky that the cocks you have are not fighting over the one hen. If you let the stray in that balance will be compromised and the fighting will start.

To me the biggest risk is that you could be introducing disease or worms as you have no idea of how the new bird has been treated or has not been treated. Don't risk trying to contain a wild bird like that, instead just enjoy a little gift from above that is able to enjoy roaming free in your yard.
I have 3 peacocks and one peahen. 3 days ago I had a "stray" peacock wandering by the pen.
Hes been displaying and walking along the fence all day. Am I asking for trouble if I let him into the pen with the others?
They don't seem to pay much attention to him outside the pen.

Or if you have a separate pen you could entice him into, that would be great. He could possibly be someone's lost pet and they may be looking for him, we just had another poster who lost 3 and found them several days later about 5 miles from home. While contained you could worm him and if no owner is found you could post a sale ad, most Peas on their own do not fair well, they usually end up adopting a new family and place to live, because food is scarce at times and they like company.
Or if you have a separate pen you could entice him into, that would be great. He could possibly be someone's lost pet and they may be looking for him, we just had another poster who lost 3 and found them several days later about 5 miles from home. While contained you could worm him and if no owner is found you could post a sale ad, most Peas on their own do not fair well, they usually end up adopting a new family and place to live, because food is scarce at times and they like company.

Excellent point! Someone could be desperately looking for their pet and if you could contain it in a different pen it would make it much easier to catch when the owner is found.
Thanks for the advice
I just called the feed store owner to see if anyone reported one missing and he told me this peacock was hanging out at the horse stables all last year(about five miles away) and must have heard mine and come over
I don't have a separate pen, so he'll just have to stay where he is.

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