Stray Peahen (?)

Your animal shelter should have a form you can fill out, no need to take her there. And make a "found peahen" flier. She's a unique color, so do not put that in the flier or found form. The person that's missing her should be able to tell you what color she is.
I posted "Found Peahen" stuff around yesterday and searched various sites looking for "lost peahen" notices. Hopefully we'll find her family. If not, she's a perfect excuse to add peafowl to my family. My husband hasn't been keen on me getting peafowl because we thought peahens were super loud all the time but I think she changed his mind.
While we're looking for her family I'm trying to make sure she feels welcome and happy here. I'm wondering if there are any sure bet treats for peafowl that I could offer her. Like how peas seem to be almost a universal favorite with ducks.
Peas go nutty for raw peanuts.
Sorry for all the silly peafowl questions, I've been reading about caring for peafowl thinking that would be the best way to learn but I may be getting more confused. Is there a "grey area" as far as keeping peafowl in the same area as ducks and chickens? PP (the peahen) really seems like she wants to be in the yard with our ducks but I've read that peafowl shouldn't be allowed to roam with ducks or chickens. Is this an "always" rule or are there exceptions for fowl that seem to enjoy the company of other species? I keep thinking PP looks like she's lonely but that could easily just be a me issue. The fence around the yard that she's in is only about 5 or 6 feet tall so I'm sure she could fly out and leave if she wanted to. The branch she chose for her bedtime roost has to be at least 18 feet high so there's no way a 6 foot tall fence is keeping her here...unless she's not smart enough to realize she could fly over the fence?
So, is it true that peafowl can't, or shouldn't, be around chickens and/or ducks? Thinking ahead to whether or not we'd want peafowl after PP goes back to her family (assuming that we're going to find them), this question is definitely one that I need to consider. It does kind of look like PP is hiding from the chickens when they make a lot of noise, but again, I don't know a whole lot about peafowl so maybe she's hiding because she thinks they're making noise warning about danger.
By the way, thank you all for your help and answers! I'm trying to treat PP like any other guest, it's a little tricky though since I know so little about our guest. :)
Penning peafowl and chickens is not a good idea, many people do it but I think one needs to watch carefully and do deworming treatments regularly. It is much harder with young chicks as they are more susceptible to cocci that does 't bother chickens so much as it does peas, cocci will kill chicks fast. Free-ranging peas and chickens are no big deal. Even though PP is in a pen as long as it has no top on it I consider it free-ranging, she can go wherever she wants.

I definitely would not pen a pea with ducks. What ducks do to the water I don't want my peas drinking that.

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