Stubborn Green Horse-Ground work

Well, we live to far out of town to drive to do a vet check. Its ages away from the nearest town, so if we are going to do a vet check for him, it will be later on in December. Hmm you sure? Hes ongoing 4 years, and had never seen a horse horse truck etc in his life.......Anyways, we should put that topic aside :D Ok thanks. Awww you know, Jack sounds like he was an amazing horse :) Very sensitive was he? Mmm, im thinking Comet may just be homesick. Thats the thing, they smell your fear or uncertainty soo....i have to make sure to approach him with a positive attitude etc. Thankyou once again for the valuable info!
Nice to know that im not seen has a person who knows nothing about horses...:) A whip? What kind? I have one, but any whip can be used right? Yes thats EXACTLY what Comet needs.....He is sounding exactly like that mare, so if making him move to my accord, not letting him decide when to stop, and plenty of ground work, will that fix him up? Mmmm..he is lazy, making his feet move, thats the solution? Thats what i was original thinking Now how would i do this.... I dont exactly have a round pen, would a extra long lead rope and a whip do---To get his feet moving?I've also seen that yielding his hind quarters is a good exercise, and flexing. Did you ever try that on your mare?
Yes, any whip will work....I prefer a stiffer whip...Even a rope works......

Another thing is he should always respect your space, a horse length between you at all times if not being handled....If at anytime he turns his back to you, get his feet moving and really mean it....Your so right......Never allow him to decide how fast or when he will move...He is just trying to boss you....A long line will work, its all about timing and getting him to move forward....The best thing to do is start as if this is day one with him...Work on things you know he can do without issue...Little confidence builders for both of you....If he acts up get his feet moving...If he tries to bite, elbow him in the nose and yell NO....They quickly learn to not bite....If he wont walk behind you or stop when you stop? work on that for a few days.....All your reinforcing to your horse is that your bigger and bossier than him...Horses understand position in a herd...Right now he thinks he out ranks you...Be fair and consistent in everything you do around him...Zero treats by hand until he fully respects you.....

Anytime your with any horse, it is a lesson....We never think of it that way...My Mare now has total respect for me....To think she used to try and Bite, crowd and boss me daily.....

Best of Luck......

Another thing to remember is that horses are constantly learning; constantly testing the boundaries. Once the rules have been established, they respect them, but they will rub up against the boundaries every so often in subtle ways to see if the rules are still the rules. If they get away with a small infraction, the next time, they try for a bigger one.

An example - my mare lipped at my pant leg when I was picking out her foot a few days ago. No teeth, and she didn't actually touch me, but I saw the way she did it - if she had gotten away with it, next time it would hurt. I know this horse too well to just let it go. She's a boss mare type, and we had to work through a lot of disrespectful behavior when I first got her. It's been quite a while since she really tried anything, but that was a test, so I got after her for it. She had earned the reprimand, and she knew it, so she wasn't offended or scared by it and we are still good. Some horses are placid, easy-going types that you can love up on and they still never put a foot wrong, but a lot will get pushy and even dangerous in a hurry if you let them, and she's one of those. She's not a bad horse, but it takes a bit of watchfulness on my part to keep her that way.
Your so correct.......That is what I meant by every time your with a Horse, it is a lesson.....They are beautiful, fantastic and amazing animals that need constant reminders, how ever subtle to keep the herd dynamics smooth........Us being part of that herd.....


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