Stuffed Pistolets


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Registered User
(6/18/05 3:21 pm)
Reply Stuffed pistolets
I went to a family reunion today and everyone had to have this recipe.
I got it from my MIL the recipe comes from south Louisiana.

Stuffed Pistolets

1 lb ground beef
1 lb mexican velveeta cheese
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 onion
1 pack of chopped broccoli (the little frozen box)
salt and pepper to taste
24 french rolls or some type of roll that can be stuffed

Brown meat and drain, add onions and stir until soft. Add the mushroom soup mix then add the cheese a little at a time until all is melted. Last add the broccoli. Cook the broccoli like the box says and drain it before you add it to the mix.
Now with a spoon make a whole in the rolls and stuff it full with the filling. Put a slice of butter and seasoning salt on top of each roll.
Bake them on 400 in the oven until brown.

These are great for parties!

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