I’m absolutely just drained I… If I end up losing all my ducks I don’t think I’ll be sane
I'm sure that won't happen
I know this is really hard, but is there any chance you could send Rosemary in for a necropsy? If you know what caused her death, it would be easier to prevent it in future

I would get some activated charcoal, to keep on hand in case the others show the same symptoms.
I'm so sorry this is happening
I’m thinking botulism. Nothing seems to be wrong either the two males and
I'm sure that won't happen
I know this is really hard, but is there any chance you could send Rosemary in for a necropsy? If you know what caused her death, it would be easier to prevent it in future

I would get some activated charcoal, to keep on hand in case the others show the same symptoms.
I'm so sorry this is happening
i want her buried with goldie, watching her pass just now was awful. She laid with me and then stood up, laid back down and her neck flung all the way back to her wings. I’m thinking botulism, the only thing I can think of is the compost heap at the back, it really is. The two males are vocalising and eating as normal. I just can’t understand at all, extremely hard breathing and ruffled feathers, no eye or nose discharge, nothing like that. I’m just at a loss, mentally and at a loss without my two girls
I’m thinking botulism. Nothing seems to be wrong either the two males and

i want her buried with goldie, watching her pass just now was awful. She laid with me and then stood up, laid back down and her neck flung all the way back to her wings. I’m thinking botulism, the only thing I can think of is the compost heap at the back, it really is. The two males are vocalising and eating as normal. I just can’t understand at all, extremely hard breathing and ruffled feathers, no eye or nose discharge, nothing like that. I’m just at a loss, mentally and at a loss without my two girls
That's understandable, it's okay if you want to bury her with Goldie

I agree I do think botulism, they could've eaten something toxic.
Some activated charcoal asap would be a really good idea- at the first sign of trouble (God forbid) add some to their water. If they won't drink it, you may need to syringe it down. The activated charcoal should flush the toxins from their system. You should be able to find it online, or in health stores

I know this is a lot to take in right now :hugs
That's understandable, it's okay if you want to bury her with Goldie

I agree I do think botulism, they could've eaten something toxic.
Some activated charcoal asap would be a really good idea- at the first sign of trouble (God forbid) add some to their water. If they won't drink it, you may need to syringe it down. The activated charcoal should flush the toxins from their system. You should be able to find it online, or in health stores

I know this is a lot to take in right now :hugs
Is it in powder or tablet form? Is there one specific for poultry? I’m praying none of my other ducks have got what’s going on.

There was this coloured poop in their run, could this indicate anything? Almost looks blue?

They’re buried next to one neither now, my how a heart can ache 😞


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Is it in powder or tablet form? Is there one specific for poultry? I’m praying none of my other ducks have got what’s going on.

There was this coloured poop in their run, could this indicate anything? Almost looks blue?

They’re buried next to one neither now, my how a heart can ache 😞
That greenish colour could be a couple things
If they've eaten some veggies, that could explain it. If they're just eating their feed, it could be that greenish colour due to infection or something toxic in the duck's system.
The activated charcoal only needs to be food grade, as long as there's nothing else in it, it will be safe for them, no need to get anything specific for poultry. It can be in either powder or tablet form, I believe. I got mine on amazon
I am so sorry you lost another of your girls. :hugs

As for activated charcoal, most pharmacies should have it in the antacid area.

You probably should fence off your compost pile. Just to be safe.

From what I have read Botulism makes them lose control of their necks[limber neck] and I didn't see that with your precious girl. Not saying that wasn't the cause.
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