I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm glad Rosemary isn't suffering anymore. I have lost two pekins this year, both at almost 4 years old. I think they can have a lot of health issues and just don't have the longest lifespan.
I am so, so sorry for your
I am so sorry you lost another of your girls. :hugs

As for activated charcoal, most pharmacies should have it in the antacid area.

You probably should fence off your compost pile. Just to be safe.

From what I have read Botulism makes them lose control of their necks[limber neck] and I didn't see that with your precious girl. Not saying that wasn't the cause.
Right towards the end her head and neck jarred all the way back. I really really don’t know what it could be. It’s just come on so quick and so sudden, gapeworm? I just really don’t know
I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm glad Rosemary isn't suffering anymore. I have lost two pekins this year, both at almost 4 years old. I think they can have a lot of health issues and just don't have the longest lifespan.
I will certainly read up more about birds before selecting the breed this time, I never knew they came with so many ailments and it’s heartbreaking every time you lose one, three within the space of a year now and I’ve not moved off the couch in tears all day. Thank you for your condolences ❣️
When my pekin just died her neck jerked back the complete opposite direction that it normally is. I wouldn't have thought it was even possible for it to move that way. It was horrible to watch her die, but at the point that happened I'm sure she wasn't even conscious. I know my girl didn't have gapeworm. I think it was just something about the final moments before passing. I'm so sorry.
When my pekin just died her neck jerked back the complete opposite direction that it normally is. I wouldn't have thought it was even possible for it to move that way. It was horrible to watch her die, but at the point that happened I'm sure she wasn't even conscious. I know my girl didn't have gapeworm. I think it was just something about the final moments before passing. I'm so sorry.
That’s exactly what just happened with Rosemary, it was so traumatising to watch. What did you chalk it down to in regards to your girl passing in the end? My other five aren’t showing any symptoms or any laboured breathing. Would you think botulism is more plausible? Thank you
My girl had slowed down a lot since my other pekin passed in january. I think she was giving up a bit. The couple days before she passed she wasn't wanting to come out with the other Ducks and the evening prior i sat with her for half an hour while i thought she was dying, she was laying and panting a little and nodding off. She laid an egg the next morning and got up as normal. She went out to forage with the flock but collapsed as she was getting out of the pond. I'm not sure what issue she died from, but the rest of my flock is fine. It's hard not to know, but in this case i felt it was her time, since my other pekins had already passed. Their lives may have been on the shorter side, but take comfort in the fact you gave them a happy one!
The whole run has been disinfected and the straw has been changed, all of my others seem fine this morning. I’m going to go over the garden with a fine tooth comb and they’re not coming out for a couple of weeks until I’m confident that there’s no areas where botulism can survive. I’m still chalking it down to that as I really can’t think of anything else which would have effected them individually like so. I also can’t believe how resilient the males are they do not seem to care in the slightest that their women are no longer here. I have gave them some Flubenvet as a precaution and I’ve put some VetRx in their water. If I want to delude myself slightly I would like to say goldie died from natural causes and rosemary passed from the complications of mourning though I know that’s probably not the case. I just want to thank everyone for their condolences and assistance, I really appreciate it as I know if I were to tell someone outside of the the duck world they really wouldn’t see what the big deal is. I know many of you have mourned personal losses yourself and really do understand how grief stricken losing their presence can make you. :hugs
The whole run has been disinfected and the straw has been changed, all of my others seem fine this morning. I’m going to go over the garden with a fine tooth comb and they’re not coming out for a couple of weeks until I’m confident that there’s no areas where botulism can survive. I’m still chalking it down to that as I really can’t think of anything else which would have effected them individually like so. I also can’t believe how resilient the males are they do not seem to care in the slightest that their women are no longer here. I have gave them some Flubenvet as a precaution and I’ve put some VetRx in their water. If I want to delude myself slightly I would like to say goldie died from natural causes and rosemary passed from the complications of mourning though I know that’s probably not the case. I just want to thank everyone for their condolences and assistance, I really appreciate it as I know if I were to tell someone outside of the the duck world they really wouldn’t see what the big deal is. I know many of you have mourned personal losses yourself and really do understand how grief stricken losing their presence can make you. :hugs
They really do grow on us
The whole run has been disinfected and the straw has been changed, all of my others seem fine this morning. I’m going to go over the garden with a fine tooth comb and they’re not coming out for a couple of weeks until I’m confident that there’s no areas where botulism can survive. I’m still chalking it down to that as I really can’t think of anything else which would have effected them individually like so. I also can’t believe how resilient the males are they do not seem to care in the slightest that their women are no longer here. I have gave them some Flubenvet as a precaution and I’ve put some VetRx in their water. If I want to delude myself slightly I would like to say goldie died from natural causes and rosemary passed from the complications of mourning though I know that’s probably not the case. I just want to thank everyone for their condolences and assistance, I really appreciate it as I know if I were to tell someone outside of the the duck world they really wouldn’t see what the big deal is. I know many of you have mourned personal losses yourself and really do understand how grief stricken losing their presence can make you. :hugs
I'm so sorry that Rosemary has passed. The pain and sadness from watching any of our animals, wild or domesticated, can be extremely traumatizing and long lasting. Unlike others, I really can't see botulism as the cause, but always better to be safe than sorry. I have just turned my chickens into a larger part of my yard that is not mowed and not beaten to bare dirt from the chickens yet, and I am worried they will eat some of the poison hemlock which abounds here everywhere, and it's impossible to get rid of. Some risks are just part of life but we do what we can to mitigate them.

Something I would always have on hand and use often is colloidal silver. It's gotten pretty expensive and I bought my own generator almost 20 yrs ago and it paid for itself in a very short time. I use it nearly daily and I add it to my chickens waterers, (plastic not metal) a few times a week and if I see any behaviors that hint of any illness or problems I bump it up for a while and if necessary dose an individual hen ( or any other animal I have that needs it). It takes the place of so many other drugs and medicines. Also, remember that Vitamin C is an anti-toxin and with silver (or without) will neutralize food poisonings, venoms, and other poisons. The key is in the dosing. Silver will take care of food poisoning and infections, fungus, etc.

One thing my granddaughter, who was 5 at the time,said to me when we had some kittens die that was out of our control, "Grandma, sometimes things just decide they don't want to be here any longer". Wise words.

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