Sumatra Thread!

I have had chickens for a good many years and many different breeds
to include sumatras now as well as my other breeds. In every breed there
are chickens who like to be handled and some who don't. Any chicken can
be startled, even the tame ones and a startled chicken will react. Sorry
you got slapped FMP but it happens. I'm sure you understand it's a bird

I have seen birds at shows that were tame and some that were flighty.
The judges seemed to understand the breed and it's traits and judged
according to that but maybe it's different at the junior levels of showing
and that is what some are basing their experience on. It could just be
a regional thing too?
you know if that chicken was friendly it would be a lot easier on you and that chicken. because you have to struggle to hold it and that hen has to struggle trying to get away from you. if I where you I would be carful about not taming your chickens only because if you are not careful you can really hurt that chicken and you can really hurt your self too. I had a friend who had very wild chickens and she ended up in the emergency room from a hen pecking her eye out. she is doing fine with one eye but it was horrible and still is.
she wishes now that she had tamed her chickens.
I never struggle to hold a chicken. If you know how to hold a chicken and your chicken trusts you it never can struggle. If you know how to handle a chicken as I'm sure everyone on this thread does you aren't going to hurt it.

And ...ummm, even a tame chicken can and will poke an eye out. I won't ever and never have held a chicken without at least a pair of glasses on. Basic protective gear and basically just being smart about things.

I'm quite happy with my ways as you are quite happy with yours. That isn't going to change.
Well I'm sure you all know how to hold your chickens i know how to hold mine but sometimes they know how to get out of your hands without warning. Chickens are smart! They know when you loosen your grip on them not saying chickens are mean.
He has better type than many hatchery style sumatras. He has double spurs and a decent shape, his comb and leg color could be better but it is a project. He is smaller than a LF but bigger than a bantam. When the time comes, we'll breed him to some great small black hens and go from there
Flying monkey poo, every time i look at Sumatra posts your normally in them. You seem to know about the Sumatra's, what do you think of this rooster of mine. he is only 8 months old so theres gonna be more sickles and saddle feathers come through. but what do you think of him ate this stage?

I can't wait till this Friday i get 2 Fowl size Sumatra hens so i will have a breeding trio, ill post pics when i have them.
With some good hens, he could throw some fair chicks. His main issue is that his tail is too high and short. His face is good looking and should darken up some as he is outside more. If the hens you're getting come from a good line that has long tails, he could be a great bird to add some leg length. Generally with chickens, it is the hens that throw the long tails, so if their brothers have good tails, the hens should throw them. Like I always say, you can get anywhere with chickens if you hatch lots and cull heavy
I am choosing a rooster for my flock and am considering a 2 year old Sumatra who has lost his place in his current flock. He is missing some feathers around his neck and his tail feathers are a bit tattered. Is this something that would grow back over time, being he is 2 years old?
Has anyone had a tattered looking Sumatra get back to being beautiful?

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