Sumatra Thread!

I always love hearing about your birds and adventures raph.
Thanks for sharing them and those pictures. Hope you have
lots more chicks hatch out.
Thanks, it must be one of the funnest and most interesting hobbies having chicken.
There is always something to do when you have chicken, talking of things to do i need to go and sort out the brooder!
What's in your brooder??
It had straw in it from when we took some birds to a show last weekend, so i had to clean it out and take off the make shift roof.

Here's some pictures of the chicks now they are a bit fluffier.

I've put some peat in the brooder for the chicks to sleep on, because we have no shavings left.

I think the above is a Rhode island red

The white and black chick above is a leghorn.

Above are two Leghorns

Above and below is one of the Game Cross chicks.

The width between the legs is noticeable on the game cross chick

One of the Rhode island Red chicks using the feeder i made for them

I am not unhappy with the hatch rate to get 17 chicks out of the 30 eggs of which 21 of the eggs have travelled I think that I've been very lucky.
You be a yooper or a troll? Lots of people have trouble with their phones and posting, so I don't mind.

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