Sumatra Thread!

Are sumatra hard to incubate? Out of 19 that made it to lockdown, only 3 have hatched. The polish that were set with them are hatching very well.
I have a few Sumatra questions and am hoping this is where to post them!
I ordered 3 of the rare breed assortment from Meyer hatchery this spring. One of them turned out to be Black Sumatra, at least from what I can tell. Here is a photo of her today at 2 weeks old:

I live in town and let my chickens free range in a fenced in back yard. From what I have read Sumatras are hard to keep in a yard. Have you all found this to be true? If she flies over the fence all the time I won't be able to keep her.
If she gets too far from my yard she will end up becoming a dog toy and I don't want that!!!

Also I have read in most places that they do not lay many eggs but I have also read on a couple of sites that they lay well. What has been your experience with how many eggs they lay? I have chickens for eggs so I prefer hens that lay a decent number of eggs.

If I should need to sell her at some point what is a fair price for a hatchery Sumatra hen? I know they don't breed for show quality at the hatcheries but I assume she would do better than "Free to a good home" if I need to get rid of her for her own safety.

She sure is sweet and cute. She and the Hamburg chick are so little compared to the Jubilee orpington chick I got! Hopefully I can keep her!

Thank you all for your help!
they are flighty but you can trim her wing feathers on one side, for most birds it throws them off balance so they can't fly high, it depends upon the bird some will conform to the breed standard some won't you will just have to wait and see what she lays, most pullets/hens that lay less will often lay longer, most production breeds have awful laying once they reach 3 but dual purpose birds and just pore layer in general can lay good until they are 5-7
Hello all, has anyone had fertility issues with the Sumatra breed? I have had them for about 3 years and I've been hatching pretty much since I got them. Starting last fall I stopped getting fertile eggs from both of my Sumatras Roosters. I thought it was just a phase with the cold weather and short days starting. Now Spring has come around and I just checked my first batch, which has been incubating for about 9-10 days, and I see nothing developing. I see the roos doing the deed all the time and I have hatched from these particular roos being that they are my best quality ones. I have the blue roo over 4 hens and my black over 8 which 2 will be getting separated soon. What could possibly be the issue?? Thanks in advance!
age also is an issue so how old are they? If they were already adults when you first got them then they may be having problems with shooting blanks, if you got them as chicks and then started to hatch eggs when they started laying then they should still be ok. Are you feeding them a breeder ration?(I'm assuming so but it doesn't hurt to ask, if you don't I'm not judging there are people that give a regular ration and they end up will all perfectly healthy chicks, it is more of a personal choice)
age also is an issue so how old are they? If they were already adults when you first got them then they may be having problems with shooting blanks, if you got them as chicks and then started to hatch eggs when they started laying then they should still be ok. Are you feeding them a breeder ration?(I'm assuming so but it doesn't hurt to ask, if you don't I'm not judging there are people that give a regular ration and they end up will all perfectly healthy chicks, it is more of a personal choice)

The black roo is prob just under 2 years and the blue roo just over 2 years, maybe closer to 3 years so they definitely aren't too old to breed. What would be a good breeder ration? I give them reg layer pellets and weekly bread, veggies, and scrambled eggs. Should I add higher protein chick finisher(non-med of course)?

Could it possibly be the fluff on their under sides? I posted a thread in another section but here is more specifically for Sumatras so maybe someone else has had to pluck or clip the feathers around the vents. Anyone here solve a prob like this with that method?
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I don't have breeders so I don't know exactly what some would consider a good ration but I do know that 18-22% is what a lot of people feed though I don't know what kinds of things are in the mix for nutrients I just know the protein, I would add nutrena's feather fixer, I'm not here just to promote the brand and I don't use it except in the fall but it helps get them going good again after the molt, and there is some added stuff that isn't in the regular layer feed I get. Sumatras aren't that fluffy so it shouldn't be the fluff causing the trouble.
I've had chickens quite a while, however never any of these Black Sumatras. Might have to talk myself into buying a few chicks - if wife gives me permission
. I found a place, (Meyer Hatchery), in Ohio, that sells them.

I have stuck with Easter Eggers for the last several years, gonna get a roo this time around with those, Would most certainly get a rooster with the Black Sumatra chicks.

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