Sumatra Thread!

Thanks ! Black Raja mean Black King in Indonesian language
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Here's my boy. He's pretty gurthy


but I haven't weighed him. I haven't posted pics yet here since I got him so critique away, although I won't show him. I bought him straight from Tom and he said this ones tail was severely picked when it was young so it will never get long. But the width of the sickles are over an inch wide! That's what I want, thick, strong sickles.
I know (after Googleing it this morning because it's close to rojo which is red in spanish) which is why I asked how you came up with it. Is it for your black sumatras? Do you show your birds or are they just eye candy?
Black Raja is for my Black Sumatras Roo ! I have a friend on Sumatra Island who told me they were the King 's fowl of Banda Aceh , the town of the Royal Sultanate of Sumatra long time ago before their extinction on this island . I think this name is appropriate for this beautiful rare breed . I don't show my birds , we don't have any poultry show in my area in Northern Québec . People are not much interested by these here
. I breed Black Sumatras since 15 years now , it,s my favorite breed ever !!! ..... Eye candy ... sure ! hahaha

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