Sumatra Thread!

I have a Sumatra, her names Silva. She's super lovey and sweet, barely ever runs of you try to pick her up.
Silva sounds like a great bird, PerfectPlumage!

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She is, I love her. She's our only Sumatra because all the other ones passed away as a chick, poor girl, she's the only black feathered chicken left out of our flock. But she's happy hanging with the Silkies and Red Sex Links.
I'm so sorry about your Sumatra chicks.....
Silva is a survivor, and I'm sure that this fact only endears her to you even more.

yes my hens are agressive too  , they gave hardtime to my big Cornish hens this summer , i have to keep them in separate pens . They really like the dominancy . Some lines are quiet and calm , but  i have sumatras since more than  20 years and they always been like that and i have different lines .  Just watch her and see if she continue to  pecks the others .  Some of my hens have a  so bad charachter , i don,t know what to do with them ...maybe soup ?!!! hahaha

Well our new and unruly Sumatra hen has fallen in line. Tamed and broken by our easy going flock chief Buff Orpington. Peace has returned and all is well in the backyard.
Well our new and unruly Sumatra hen has fallen in line. Tamed and broken by our easy going flock chief Buff Orpington. Peace has returned and all is well in the backyard.

I have a big 3,1/2 month male Sumatra and he gets chased around by a 6 month old female silkie , she is less than half his size . it is the funniest thing to watch
Quick question! I bought a trio of Sumatras in March, a rooster and two hens - my rooster (Manolo) only seems to like his two Sumatra hens. In my batch of hatchery chicks I have Wyandottes, Cochin Bantams, Welsummers, Easter Eggers, Porcelains, Mille Fleurs... hens in all those breeds, but Manolo only likes his Sumatra hens, Maria and Nina. Since Maria and Nina both hatched out chicks, they hate my rooster, but he has found new love in my "exotic breed" hen who appears to be a poor quality Sumatra... (or something). Still, he does not care for any other hens.

Do Sumatras only like other Sumatras? Well, maybe my rooster in particular, because Nina hatched out some lovely Cochin x Sumatra babies.. I've heard that Sumatra roosters are only aggressive with other Sumatra roos, but I see him often enough chasing my frizzle cochin roos (maybe because one of his wives had some interesting colored babies).

I wouldn't mind some mixed babies from him though :)

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