Sumatra Thread!

Heres my little bantam Sumatra.....I think its a cockerel which is awesome!:) I have 2 others that are the same age...maybe about 4 months old but they are soo much smaller than this one and even the rest of my bantams. I dont no if maybe they are not getting to the food enough or what.....I think those 2 must be hens.
HWelp... my chicks are aboot 5wks now and are STILL the smallest in the flock(other than the bantams)!
my boy has a completely black comb, but my girl has blotches of pink all through her face and comb.....
will this change as they mature or will it stay as they are?
i can say i have cought them both (may be just the boy?) Pickin fights with DW's minorcas! 2x his/her size!
Is that normal for them as well? If it is ima love them even more!
Im goin to try to post pics to my profile of them since i cant upload from my cell.... gimme a few days(its pouring here!)
Cloverleaf Farm: Pictures! if they're old enough to start crowing, you should be able to tell them apart physically. I've got 3 boys and 3 girls right now, and the boys are notably bigger and have thicker legs. They're also much friendlier, all the boys will jump on my shoulders. Girls run screaming. You should also be seeing some glittery boy feathers in the wing-pits, on the shoulders, etc.

Troyer: They all look like very nice dusky blues to me. Blues can range from an actual leaden bluish color to a sort of muddy tan. I agree though, the top ones look kind of chocolate-y. Do you know if you have chocolate genes in your flock? (They can also appear spontaneously sometimes.) Beautiful lacing on those, I love it!

dsfrango: That one does look like a girl. The girls seem to have more white feathers on the face sometimes, I'm noticing...

chickletteSarge: Interesting, from what I've heard it's usually the other way around-- good for you if the boy already has a black face, it means he'll keep it! If the girl's face is pink, it might face to a light purplish color, or maybe gypsy, but probably not necessarily solid black. Oh, and they love to fight. My alpha hens fight with the roosters, even. And win.


Well, it turns out my awesome-seeming pair of blues in coming in MARKED. I think the Hamburg mutt rooster got into the pen again. Swap season cannot come fast enough, he's outta here.
Really you think the one pictured is a girl?? OK well Ill try and get pics of the other 2 then. This is the biggest one and it even has little points where the spurs come in. I have had hens with tiny points so thats normal but I think these are a hair bit bigger. But thanks for the response anyways. Hopefully I can get a pic of the others soon. Im hoping for a roo because they are just so nice. There are so many roosters for free around me but Im leaving space for 1 Sumatra over any other roo.
Cloverleaf Farm: Pictures! if they're old enough to start crowing, you should be able to tell them apart physically. I've got 3 boys and 3 girls right now, and the boys are notably bigger and have thicker legs. They're also much friendlier, all the boys will jump on my shoulders. Girls run screaming. You should also be seeing some glittery boy feathers in the wing-pits, on the shoulders, etc.

The problem is that none of the other 4 have tails. All six were tailless pretty much when I got them, and only the two that I am sure the sex of have grown their tails back. And they are all still freaks. LOL I tried to get some pics the other day, but they all huddle in the corner whenever I go open their door. I need to start hand feeding some treats or something...
There's one more that I'm pretty sure is a boy based on comb size. But they are all SO very black in the face that I can't really see red in anybody's combs yet. No, I'm not complaining! LOL
  my best broody simply named Mama and her 15 lil ones.


15???? WOW! Is that the largest clutch she has had? The most ive seen my gramps hatch is maybe 12? But those were OEGF. Nice! I cant wait till i can have my girl hatch me some babies! 8 more months! Then i will let her brood. Or is 10 months too young?
15???? WOW! Is that the largest clutch she has had? The most ive seen my gramps hatch is maybe 12? But those were OEGF. Nice! I cant wait till i can have my girl hatch me some babies! 8 more months! Then i will let her brood. Or is 10 months too young?
I have never had one go broody at 10 months old. I'm sure it can happen though. leave golfballs in her nest. When she is ready she will sit for you. Yes this is her largest clutch. 11 are hers, 4 of them are a week older than hers, but abandoned by their mom at 2 weeks old, so I slipped them to Mama at night. She took them right under her even though they are a week older than hers. She sat on 15 eggs, 12 hatched 1 didn't make it. The others were late quitters.

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