Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

wow, thanks for these great ideas, and all the enthusiasm to go along! We've got to go pick a bunch of local apples SOON - usually just pick up the "drops" as the price is right, just a few bucks for 1/2 bushel. Now I know a great way to preserve some of them.

We've also made apple butter on our wood stove, but it's too early to use it this fall.
How lucky you all are to be able to gather up the free apples from your yards!!!! I would have such a freezer full of apple butter if I had apple trees!!! Lucky, lucky!!!!
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Hi FlChick,...

I have not read the entire thread as there are 14 pages... (I'm working on it)...
But, somewhere have you written down the recipe for yogurt.. I had no idea you can make it..

BYC should have a cookbook!! I love that egg bread recipe and it is awesome with the apple butter. Never tried the yogurt but several folks have and seem to be successful at it.
Scrambled Egg, if you can do that amazing apple butter..delicious! My fav!...then the yogurt will be a breeze. I was never a fan of yogurt but I sure am of this!
I guess I just keep finding so many other things to try and do that the yogurt keeps getting lost in the list, lol!!!

Has anyone tried the apple butter substituting pears? I bet it would be awesome! Wish I had some fruit trees!!!!!!!!!!
Ya'll, I made my first ever apple butter this weekend!
But I cheated. I cored & quartered the apples, then crammed them into a casserole dish with a lid. I threw the dish into the oven while I baked some biscuits, then left them in there with the oven off while we all ate dinner. After dinner I ran the now very soft apples through my new Sauce master. Then added sugar & spices and cooked on teh stove for 45 minutes. It was EASY!
can i put it in plastic tupperware instead of glass jars(i dont have any glass jars)..and then still freeze?...can u freeze glass?...thank you, Wendy
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That is exactly what I did the last batch that I made..should be pics in this thread somewhere. I bought those nice rubbermaid plastic containers with the screw on lids and it made several of those..freeze great and easy to use later!! So, yep, go for it!!

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