Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

I was thinking about pumpkin butter the other day. I'm the only one in my family that likes pumpkin pie. So pumpkin butter on a graham cracker would be like having pumpkin pie any time I want it!
I removed a good bit of liquid when I made my apple butter in the crockpot. It turned out very thick, and yes, I used the lid, then put my stick blender in it when all was very soft and blended it. Yum!!! Now I would love to try that pumpkin butter!
Can't wait to try it...Thanks
I've made cantalope butter this year but have never made pumpkin butter. Sounds sooooo good! you peel the pumpkin or can a pumpkin be peeled?
I've never worked with whole pumpkins before. Just carving them for Halloween.
Charmed, I peeled it. Someone brought to my attention about not canning pureed pumpkin, but I can't see how cooking it for 10 hours on high and then water bath for 15 min isn't going to kill all germs. It tastes great!
I tried the recipe Mon..It turned out great! I also threw in some Red Hots Candy for a little zing. I did can it after I made it. So yep you can can it.

Going to make more this week,and can it.

Thanks for the recipe Scrambled Egg !!!!!!!!!!
Well that settles it then, I am buying apples and dragging out my pressure canner!! I have been trying to figure how I would use the frozen containers for Christmas gifts anyway but so many of you are canning this without problems, I will def. try that. I need a new box of the small jars and lids so I'll look at Walmart or the Family Dollar for those, I like the wide mouth ones. Thanks for letting me know ChickenLittle!
Here is my attempt at canning..also I had no apple pie spice so I used vanilla, ginger, cinnamon and a teeny bit of clove..yummmmmmmmmyyyyyy!!!! Someone gave me some pears too so I made pear preserves also...I'll save all of these for Christmas gifts. Hopefully I'll be able to do some more since the canning worked out so well!!

Pear Preserves
Canned Apple Butter

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