Super Member Appreciation

A user's # of posts in the last 90 days + # of likes that user has received in the past 90 days.

NOTE: This does NOT capture the myriad of ways a post, comment, BYC activity, etc. is "better" than anything or anyone else. It just says "hey, this person is pretty active in our community and peeps are really liking what they are posting!"

Want to see the top 50 results? :D

41,243 Kiki
34,144 N F C
31,916 FortCluck
23,485 penny1960
22,513 KDOGG331
21,829 rjohns39
21,423 ValerieJ
19,952 drumstick diva
19,413 casportpony
18,731 BantyChooks
18,276 sourland
17,336 Miss Lydia
17,096 007Sean
15,362 DobieLover
15,081 BullChick
14,852 Shadrach
13,679 shawluvsbirds
13,419 CapricornFarm
13,417 chickens really
13,396 aart
12,713 Ribh
12,655 Granny Hatchet
12,558 TwoCrows
11,328 Pork Pie
11,068 honanbm
10,939 HuffleClaw
10,614 BY Bob
10,362 room onthebroom
9,830 igorsMistress
9,329 MaryJanet
8,880 duluthralphie
8,868 Cedar Creek Farm Lady
8,786 Meg-in-MT
8,604 oldhenlikesdogs
8,581 roosterhavoc
8,569 BlueBaby
8,455 21hens-incharge
8,358 R2elk
8,323 ronott1
7,616 Claires Poultry
7,308 Eggcessive
7,054 Chick-N-Fun
7,038 perchie.girl
7,026 sharron
6,607 TheChiggens
6,602 CarpCharacin
6,576 Trimurtisan
6,443 DiYMama540
6,206 Duck_life
6,196 MysteryChicken

The last year's data is a bit more tricky to pull... I'll see if I can get it to work, but don't hold your breath ;)
Have you started breathing yet?
@rjmyooper Keep saying hello and posting, as people get to know you, assuming you are nice, people will begin to give you more and more likes.
I haven't met you before so, Welcome from New Orleans.

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