Supplemental protein - cooked or raw?

The idea of feeding dogs and cats raw diets is controversial. But my animals have done wonderfully on it and I will not go back to cable if I can help it. I think the key is to do it correctly. If you don't do it correctly you will kill your animals. It's not as easy as just throwing them some hamburger once in a while. It's not for everybody. You can also get raw dehydrated and freeze dried diets that are also good and take away some of the risks that upset people.
If chickens are allowed to free range they probably do get enough bugs etc. But if they have to be locked up in a run they may not.
I wish I had the space to let my girls free-range. My dog eats chicken poop, and my yard is less than 1/4 acre. I've also just replenished my flock after THREE dog attacks in 4 months! Damn dog (neighbor's) killed 12 chickens. So not only am I reluctant to let them out, but I really don't have space. I give them meal worms, fresh sprouts, lots of berries, etc., but since the 6 new girls only arrived about 4 weeks ago, I am trying to avoid serious chicken wars. They have only been integrated for the past 2 weeks, and all is well, but my 2 existing hens still like to chest bump and peck to show who's boss. Oh Chickens. You're so entertaining. I love you all!!
My Boarder Collie eats hen poo! My pet peave! oMg!!
I have a different opinion on this raw meat issue (too many microbiology, etc classes!). There's good data out there about pets fed raw meat diets being much more likely to carry Salmonella and other not good infections. My chickens have to catch their own raw meat, they get nothing from the grocery store! Mary

Cooking meat kills negative bacteria. Cook poultry to 180, pork 160, red meat 140. Microscopic organisms manifest worm potential. As well if then catch a mouse or bat with worms, parasites or rabies. I am getting goose bumps right now.
To clarify, most of what my flock gets is cooked for the simple fact that it's generally leftovers and kitchen scraps. But i don't believe there is a "need " to cook of it is specifically for the birds
To clarify, most of what my flock gets is cooked for the simple fact that it's generally leftovers and kitchen scraps. But i don't believe there is a "need " to cook of it is specifically for the birds
We raise a bunch of swine as well. No meat for the pigs but I personally don't need any health issues with our poultry. Better safe than sorry. An once of prevention is better than a pound of cure. But to each their own. Different views and beliefs and proven procedures with various situations and scenarios. Diversity is what founded this beautiful Country we share. Debate is a given Right. At the end of the day we all compare notes and learn from each other, sit back and relax, and are great full for what ever our results concluded. God Bless our ability to choose our own direction.
Thank you for sharing. God Bless and good fortune to all!
I have a different opinion on this raw meat issue (too many microbiology, etc classes!). There's good data out there about pets fed raw meat diets being much more likely to carry Salmonella and other not good infections. My chickens have to catch their own raw meat, they get nothing from the grocery store! Mary

Cooking meat kills negative bacteria. Cook poultry to 180, pork 160, red meat 140. Microscopic organisms manifest worm potential. As well if then catch a mouse or bat with worms, parasites or rabies. I am getting goose bumps right now.

Just FYI, all dogs, cats and chickens naturally carry Salmonella. Cooking food also kills positive bacteria, one of the very reasons IMO that many Americans are so unhealthy. Our food is sterile and it's killing us.

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