Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Yeah, I enhanced the pic on an editing tool. Here is the photo unedited.
That looks better!
Hello everyone! What beautiful chickens y'all have!!! I just picked up some SFH mixs and maybe a few pure SFH's I hope. I got 6 chicks that are 3 days old now and 8 feathered out chicks. The breeds that are maybe mixed in some of the chicks are cookoo maran, polish, and jersey giant. Here's some pics


Hello everyone! What beautiful chickens y'all have!!! I just picked up some SFH mixs and maybe a few pure SFH's I hope. I got 6 chicks that are 3 days old now and 8 feathered out chicks. The breeds that are maybe mixed in some of the chicks are cookoo maran, polish, and jersey giant. Here's some pics
if the other breeds are NOT mottled, you'll be able to tell if they're pure, if they're mottled. so far I don't see any that look like potential candidates tho. a few look barred, but very different from the juvenile SFH.

SFH are obviously mottled by that age.
Ok thank you! They are beautiful ! These guys are still fun looking. The only ones that might be SFH are these 3 but I'm thinking there mixes. I'm also a horrid photographer today. I'll post picture of the little ones when they feather out more


SIX more days to go for my broody Sofie! Hopefully we'll get some that hatch, but my hopes are not too high, given the fact that my young roo doesn't have great technique.

Sofie is a very dedicated mother so far. She's very attentive and serious about sitting on her eggs, and growls at the other chickens if they stare at her too long through her broody pen barrier.

When she came out for her dust bath, the rooster decided it was his job to supervise.

I want to know what the general consensus is about the sfh's disposition. Mine are about 3 wks old and are kind of spazzy compared to my welsummers. I am hoping with treats they will grow out of it. I hold them everyday and they are little squawkboxes.
Need some advice. I have six shipped SFH eggs in the incubator with bad air cells. They have been sitting up for days up the air cells still move. But I also have two other local mix eggs that are developing and have great air cells.

Question, I will be gone on vaction tonight till Monday, what should I do about turning? Maybe set the mini on minimal turning?

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