Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Need some advice. I have six shipped SFH eggs in the incubator with bad air cells. They have been sitting up for days up the air cells still move. But I also have two other local mix eggs that are developing and have great air cells.

Question, I will be gone on vaction tonight till Monday, what should I do about turning? Maybe set the mini on minimal turning?

How many days have they been incubated and turned so far?

It sounds like the choices are 1) leaving them upright, at a slight tilt with no turning, or 2) putting them on their sides with turning. Is that correct? If so, I'd go for option 1 for eggs with bad air cells. If you've been turning all along, I think it would cause fewer problems to stop turning than to put the eggs on their sides and have the air cells roll around. I hope other folks weigh in on this as well.

I recently set 9 shipped SFH eggs. The air cells were detached on 7 and saddled on 2. None of the eggs with detached air cells developed (and the egg contents on a few were actually mixed, or scrambled). One of the eggs with a saddled air cell made it to lockdown (Day 20 today), so I'm really hoping it hatches.
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How many days have they been incubated and turned so far?  

It sounds like the choices are 1) leaving them upright, at a slight tilt with no turning, or 2) putting them on their sides with turning.  Is that correct?  If so, I'd go for option 1 for eggs with bad air cells.  If you've been turning all along, I think it would cause fewer problems to stop turning than to put the eggs on their sides and have the air cells roll around.  I hope other folks weigh in on this as well.   

I recently set 9 shipped SFH eggs.  The air cells were detached on 7 and saddled on 2.  None of the eggs with detached air cells developed (and the egg contents on a few were actually mixed, or scrambled).  One of the eggs with a saddled air cell made it to lockdown (Day 20 today), so I'm really hoping it hatches.  

I have only hand turned the two local eggs, the SFH are on day three today, haven't turned them at all. I don't want to compromise these by turning them, or the other two by not turning them.

I want to know what the general consensus is about the sfh's disposition. Mine are about 3 wks old and are kind of spazzy compared to my welsummers. I am hoping with treats they will grow out of it. I hold them everyday and they are little squawkboxes.

to be honest, my sfh are the tamest chickens I´ve had so far (had Brahma, Barred Rock and mixed laying hens before I got my sfh). Don´t know how they compare to Welsummers. As chicks they learn to get used to me very fast and start going nuts at around 2-3 days already when I put my hand in the brooder because they already expect treats, and come right up to me to see what I have. I haven´t had any from a broody, yet, so maybe they´re not quite so tame. I´ve got a bin full of meal worms next to the brooder, so they get treats regularly. I will also give them treats while holding them, so they associate that with something positive, and they´re easier to get a hold of later if I have to take a closer look for some reason. But I´m sure there are different lines with various temperaments.
Another question...at what age can you typical start to distinguish a pullet from a cockerel?

Not a very easy question to answer, also very individual, I think. The best indicator with these is the comb. I´ve had some where it was pretty obvious at around 2-3 weeks already, and others where I wasn´t sure until around 6-7 weeks.
Breeding question - I just hatched 7 chicks from a single source. Some of her birds were acquired directly from GFF, some from another trusted source (who bought direct from GFF) - so I know they are pure. My plan is to start breeding - can I start with just this group? Or do I need to find another source before I start breeding? I understand the basics of line breeding and since space is very limited that is probably the way I'll go - just not sure if I need to start with unrelated birds. TIA
Breeding question - I just hatched 7 chicks from a single source. Some of her birds were acquired directly from GFF, some from another trusted source (who bought direct from GFF) - so I know they are pure. My plan is to start breeding - can I start with just this group? Or do I need to find another source before I start breeding? I understand the basics of line breeding and since space is very limited that is probably the way I'll go - just not sure if I need to start with unrelated birds. TIA

I'll have the same question when mine hatch!
Here are our first SFH chicks we hatched from a friends eggs. They are 3 weeks old. Would love some input on them. All are "flowering" in, though some significantly more than others. Some have "flowers" in areas that were too tough to photograph alone.
Also, I would appreciate any insight as to pullets or cockerels for any you can see well enough to tell. Thank you!

Chick #1

Chick #2
Has a lot of dark blue undertones. Flowers coming out on wings, shoulders & base of tail
The least amount of flowering of all the chicks.

Chick #3
Lots of color, light blue undertones. Two pix of same chick with different lighting
I'm not the best photographer

Chick #4
Similar coloring to #2, but overall lighter & more of the flowering.
Has a strong, but light blue undertone.

Chick #5
The lightest chick in the bunch.

I have a question about feed for SFH chicks. It was suggested that I feed SFH chicks an organic, non-GMO 24% protein feed. Unfortunately, I can't find that.

This is what I have available: 1) Dumor 24% protein chick starter (Tractor Supply), 2) Purina Flock Raiser (20% protein), 3) Purina Start and Grow (18% protein), and 4) Scratch and Peck Naturally Free Chick Starter (20.5% protein). The Scratch and Peck feed is organic and non-GMO. Any thoughts on which would be best to use?
Hi there!...

I wish I had some help for you. Shipped eggs is such a crap shoot, but if it wasn't for shipped eggs, I'd have no SFH! I too have only a Brinsea Mini advance, and have had 6 hatches so far, currently on my 7th. I don't have a hygrometer, and as you know the brinsea mini only measures temperature. I will tell you, I have had chicks hatch from those horrible saddle air cells too. I have had mild success, but the chicks I have hatched have been amazing. I hope that adding the humidity helps the egg that is developing. I do know these eggs can be very tricky to hatch, and what seems to work for some, doesn't work for others. Dry hatch until lockdown does seem to be the preferred method with experienced peeps. It is a learning curve. My first attempt I only had 3 of 7 hatch, but they grew up healthy and strong. There are starting to be more and more breeders here in the north east.. I'm in New York, and I know of a few people in PA, so maybe your next hatch you can drive to get some hatching eggs. I am finally starting to get my girls laying, and I can't wait to try a hatch with eggs fresh out of my backyard, and hope I will get a better hatch rate! I have 14 shipped eggs in 2 Brinsea Mini's at the moment, due on Sunday. I am hoping for half to hatch. Don't get discouraged, they are so worth more attempts! I also would LOVE a broody to try, and hope for some better luck there. Let us know how your little lone egglet does.

Good Luck!

MB - Thank you for your words of encouragement. The 1 shipped egg that made it to lockdown pipped on Day 22, but didn't hatch.

On the bright side, I was able to get 5 SFH chicks from a breeder, so I hope they grow up to be strong, healthy birds.
OMG!! I went it change the food for my broody and noticed she wa making a slightly different "boh boh" noise. I got excited, thinking she was talking to pipped eggs. However, I then heard a cheep and a little black chick popped its head out!!! It hatched a day early. Woohoo!!

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