Take a look at these cuties!! 5 pics of piglets!!

Oh, how cute! I'm glad their mom got in on a couple of the pictures, too. I love pigs!
I want a piglet! They are so cute, I love the color of the runt. Honestly I have considered getting a pet pig!
We are going to build a pen and and shelter in spring and get 2 piglets. Any advice you can give me would be appreciated??? How big of run? shelter? We don't plan to have them too long, only to butcher weight, sorry no offense, they won't be pets although I'm sure they will be spoiled in the meantime
Thanks for the pictures Denise. I am looking forward on coming out next week-end to see them(I got to see them a day after they were born). By the looks of them they are mixed with Yorkshire and maybe Duroc or maybe Hampshire. This is Denise's husband 2nd litter he raised. The sow with this litter is her first and she did a good job in giving birth. What makes it nice is this sow wasn't put in a farrowing crate, which large commercial operations due to prevent the mother from stepping on the babies. Alot of people do not realise that piglets are born with their eyes open and they have teeth! They are up and running around not long after birth. The tails are sometimes docked soon after birth to prevent the babies from accicently biting them off. This procedure is somewhat like when you have a vet dock a dog's tail. Piglets have what you call wolf's teeth and these are usually clipped soon after also. This makes it alot easier on the sow's nipples if you do. I am sure Denise's husband can give any helpful info on pigs. Their daughter has shown pigs in 4-H before.
Most definately
and my husband calls the little one Scope. He is actually the only one with a name.

I think you are right Hotwings on the breed mix, but I am not for sure. My husband pretty much does the pigs and the chickens are mine. I have one chicken that sleeps in with the pigs. It took her a few days after she gave birth, but she is back to hanging out with her and the babies.
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