Teenage chicken troubles


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
We have two current problems that we need solving.

1. Flying chickens. My husband has clipped 3 inches off one wing--is that not enough? We still have chickens roosting in the trees at night and winter is coming. Plus, they lay their eggs where they please.

2. We have 3 roosters and 26 hens. We found one or two chickens with blood on their necks--had no idea why until today. My husband witnessed the rooster "gang rape". Yuck. Trying to decide whether to get rid of 2 or all of the roosters.

On a sidenote, I wrecked last month and broke my foot. I haven't been able to visit with or care for the chickens since! I miss them!! However, now my children are taking more or a role in the chicken care. We are getting 8-12 eggs per day!

right off, i'd say take a 2 of the roos out of the flock, i have a bachelor pen for extra roos, or rehome them- the ratio is 1 roo and ten hens minimum, i have 1 roo and 15 hens- less stress on the ladies. Our teens are a bit more flighty than the rest- exuberant- do you have a cover on the run or are they free ranging? Once they start laying they seem to settle down, are you able to go out and sit with them?
So, which rooster should I keep? I have two dark Brahmas that are gorgeous that I call Rooster Jack and Rooster John. I really don't know the difference in them except that Jack is the boss. The other rooster is a Buff Orpington named Buster. I like him, but he is the noisiest--crows all the time. I'm hoping he just found his voice and is practicing for the "real morning crowing"--lol. I just said I "like" him--in all honesty, none of the three are my favorites after this horrible behavior.

We do not have a cover over their run. We were hoping to just solve the problem by clipping their wings. After looking at a detailed description of clipping, my husband has only cut half of what needed cut.

I haven't really gotten to go out and sit with them. Sometimes I stand at the house door and throw out some treats to them. I love to watch them come running

one of the reasons for the covered fun is predators- yes it keeps the chickens in, but more importantly it keeps the hunters out- with those three, i'd choose the Orp, as they tend to be gentle, known as gentle, once he is the only roo he probably won't crow as much either - its a hard choice though- you need to just observe the hens some and when you do give them only one roo the whole dynamic will change- as far as gang rape- have seen that happen and its really hormone overload- don't judge them by that- if any of the roos seem agressive to people, they would go too-
We had 3 roos, witnessed a gang "rape' once. It was hard to watch. We are now down to one. And he happens to be a very gentle BO.
He was bottom of the rooster pecking order, and actually got beat up pretty bad by one of the others. He now is a true "gentleman" to all his ladies and I wouldn't trade him for the world! Love my BO!
I'll put my vote in for the boss dark brahma (john?). My buff brahma cockeral was really a gentle giant. I had to give him up since I can't have roosters - but I'd have kept him if I could have.
ah its so hard to choose isn't it.

Its a shame you're not able to get in amongst the boys. Both times i've had a pen of boys and been only able to keep one, i have made my choice and then changed my mind by the time the culling day comes. Both times i ended up keeping the one who is friendliest towards me, both bantam orpingtons and lovely boys but they both had horrible brothers who went in the pot. good luck.

I agree you need to put them in a batchelor pen though while you decide.
Absolutely separate at last 2 of those kids. And pick the one that's the friendliest to people. Usually the head rooster is the one that crows and once he's not around, the other will start crowing a lot more.

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