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Very pretty horse, doesn't look rough at all, how old was he there, I had to put my girl down 2 years ago, she was 30, miss her dearly, last horse for me.
He was only 16. He got very sick. I too miss my pretty boy every day. I lost Corsario way too soon. While I envy you the extra years you got with yours it must leave quite a whole. I t has taken me three years to want to do more than casually ride my others. It has not been fair to them to compare them to the finest horse I have ever known. I don't know if I will ever be able to bond like that again.
Yep, totally understand, best horse ever for me, and yours for you. I knew mine before she was even born. So happy to have known her.
Very pretty horse, doesn't look rough at all, how old was he there, I had to put my girl down 2 years ago, she was 30, miss her dearly, last horse for me.
Yep, totally understand, best horse ever for me, and yours for you. I knew mine before she was even born. So happy to have known her.
wow, lucky you, mine was three when he came to me. I went to intern at a Peruvian ranch and one of my jobs was to get him handleable as he was not bonded to anyone and afraid so he has a handful, by the end of the summer as I overheard the trainer say to the overseer, that horse follows her around like a darn dog;) well, he followed me home from TX and I loved our two brief time together. Some mornings I just want to hear him talk to me again as I walk out the door, or when I get home from work.
OK, enough mopey stuff no one else wants to hear, and likely makes others miss their special aminal no matter what it was.
wow, lucky you, mine was three when he came to me. I went to intern at a Peruvian ranch and one of my jobs was to get him handleable as he was not bonded to anyone and afraid so he has a handful, by the end of the summer as I overheard the trainer say to the overseer, that horse follows her around like a darn dog;) well, he followed me home from TX and I loved our two brief time together. Some mornings I just want to hear him talk to me again as I walk out the door, or when I get home from work.
OK, enough mopey stuff no one else wants to hear, and likely makes others miss their special aminal no matter what it was.
no one minds, mine used to nicker to me too every time I saw her, begging for corn, some horses are just the right horses. You must have the gift of speaking to horses.

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