temp way to high! will they live???

woogie g3

9 Years
Aug 5, 2010
ok so i went and checked on my bator and one thermomter said 108 other two said about 103 or 104. it is day 19 and i think the temps where only high for about 1 hour. do u think the eggs will make it???
I am SOOOO glad to see this thread and your post rebelcowboysnb! I have a LG that keeps spiking and I had one of 107! I almost quit the hatch but prayed and kept going. How long does it take in your experience for the egg/chick to get up to 104,. I am at home so I check the temp frequently and caught all the spikes in less than an hour ,.. but one was over a few hours.

woogie g3 may I ask what kind of bator you are using?
I know they can handle 104 for several hours, 107 for over an hour an 120 for a few minutes. I wouldn't push those numbers though. I may run a test on my website about this at a later time to see haw fast an egg absorbs a temp spike. I know a way of doing it but I dont have the cash or lab space at the moment.
I really look forward to that study,...

I too have the LG still air,.. it really hasn't been worth the money paid for it,.. but I just don't have the $ right now for anything better.
I think I've lost my chicks to that last 107 spike,.. it was too long before I caught it.

I see chicks,. but no movement.

Oh well,..
happy to see this thread, its really good info to have and know about.. I always fear when the temp goes to 101.. LOL but now I guess I can sigh a relieve..

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