
I am in Philadelphia/Loudon area looking for some more girls. I have 3 blonde orps and only 1 is laying right now.
Welcome. Small world. I don't have orps but is a young man in Loudon that may. I think farm name is Red Hen Farm. Also check Craiglist. There is a man who lists that has some.
I am in Philadelphia/Loudon area looking for some more girls. I have 3 blonde orps and only 1 is laying right now.

I too am in that area and have several hundred on the ground. I don't begin selling them each year until June... after they are all sexed and sorted and close to POL.
Setup... you mean breeding pens? I rotationally graze with Kencove electronetting behind the sheep and cattle. I have a quad set of adjustable breeding pens and a triple cock/grow out pen. Nothing fancy. But easier for me than most I believe because I use Italian maremma - so no predation problems to worry about.
I'm sure there are more pics in my pics folder. Here's a pic of my quad breeding pens from a few months ago.
Hey there. Coming from west Tennessee in Mckenzie! I have 16 full grown chickens, 8 Easter egger chicks, 3 Banty chicks, and 3 barred rocks. Also have 4 full grown ducks and 2 Pekin ducklings.

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